This characteristic makes beets an excellent food for The large amount of nutrients available in beets has made it to be considered a superfood by most nutritionists and health experts.One of the negative properties of beets is the high amount of sugar available in it. They also contain a wide variety of phytochemicals that may help improve the health of your eyes and nerve tissues.British researchers conducted studies that found athletes who drank beet juice mixed with a little apple juice before working out reported better endurance and a lower resting blood pressure than those who did not. They get their striking red colour from betacyanin, a plant pigment that some preliminary research indicates might help defend cells against harmful carcinogens. 2-3 weeks. MRIs done on older adults showed that after eating a high-nitrate diet that included beet juice, the subjects had more blood flow to … Beetroot juice contains plenty of healthful vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Boosts Brain Performance. Freezing cooked beetroots is fine and the texture and taste are preserved well after freezing.Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. These nutrients act together to help lower blood levels of homocysteine, which can increase your risk of heart disease by causing artery-damaging inflammation.Beet greens are a good source of lutein, an antioxidant that helps protect the eyes from age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. It’s not blood; and is actually harmless.© 2020 Reader’s Digest Magazines Ltd. - All rights reservedThis site uses “cookies” for the purposes set out in our Privacy Policy. Nowadays beets are mostly cultivated in all over the world mostly for producing refined sugar from it in industrial factories.To produce beets sugar, the beets must undergo many industrial and chemical processes which destroys nearly all of the health benefits of them. Beets are packed with healthy nutrients, like the five essential vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium and protein. 10 side effects of using beetroot . The reason many people, even some namely experts, consider beets to be a harmful food for diabetes is that they look at the glycemic index (GI) of beets (about 64) which is high. One is also not to take more than two servings in 24 hours. So it’s recommended to avoid the beets refined sugar as much as possible and user fresh organic beets instead to get the most out of it.Beets approximate ph level is between 5.30 and 6.60, so it’s considered a non-acidic food which will NOT cause heartburn and is a safe food for alkaline diets (Check out the image below which illustrates almost all of the important beets nutritional values:Apparently beets have been used for thousands of years ago in north of Africa by local people. 12 Side Effects Of Beetroot Juice: 1. Because beets lower your blood pressure and using them in conjunction with antihypertensive drugs may lead to an alarming low blood pressure level.So, if you are taking antihypertensive drugs, it’s recommended to consult your doctor before using beets on a regular basis and ask him/her to help you drop off prescribed medications by replacing beets with them.Beets contain a fairly large amounts of Nitrates which is completely safe and harmless to use. The new researches have shown that the Betalain available in beets are able to stop the growth of cancer tumors in animals (Further research, however, is required to assert that beetroot can cure cancer in living human beings.Inflammation is the root of many chronic diseases such as obesity, joints pain, heart diseases, and cancer (Betalains are the red pigments available in beets which are considered to own anti-inflammatory properties.Some studies conducted on rats show that the Betalain available in beet have anti-inflammatory effects and can reduce inflammation in the body (Not many studies have  been conducted on human beings to show the effectiveness of Betalains available in beetroot in reducing inflammation. Beet benefits for health and side effects, Beetroot is a popular root vegetable used in many dishes.Beets are full of essential vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, some of … One cup (146 g) of beetroot contains about 9.2 grams of sugar which is considered high. However, it is crucial for the health of our guts and the health of our guts is also crucial for our body’s overall health.Fiber improves the bowel movements, keeps you regular, promotes digestive health, and prevents digestive conditions such as constipation and bowel diseases (To get the maximum benefit from the fibers available in beets use the raw or cooked beetroots in their complete form and not the beet juice.New studies show that the disruption of the blood flow to the brain is the main reason for mental and cognitive dysfunctions in older people which may lead to chronic diseases such as dementia and alzheimer (Beets contain a fairly high amount of Nitrates. The instructions state that one should take a teaspoon daily to improving energy. But glycemic index is a misleading metric for measuring the effect of food on blood sugar. Freezing the raw beet roots is not a good idea because it lose its texture and gets soft after freezing. Beets are seasonal vegetables and can usually be found during the summer season. For example they used the beetroot juice as food dye or sweetener.In 19th century the first sugar factory was built in poland and refined sugar was produced from the beet roots.Today beets are produced and harvested in all over the world as a commercial plant for producing refined sugar and also to use in cooking as a delicious food.As mentioned above beets are fully packed with useful nutrients which have scientifically been proven to help improve our health and fight diseases.Below is a list of 9 most important ways the beets impact our bodies and improve our health:An increasing number of new studies are showing that the dietary Nitrates available in beets can lower the blood pressure within just a few hours (Beets are more effective in lowering systolic blood pressure, which is a pressure that happens when your heart is contracting, rather than a diastolic blood pressure, which is a pressure that happens when your heart is relaxed (Beets help lower blood pressure for a short period of time, i.e.