Before taking any herbs with this medication, talk to your doctor and pharmacist to ensure safety.Metformin is a type of antidiabetic drug called a biguanide. Metformin with a sulfonylurea: Your doctor will determine the dose of each medicine. You can take dietary supplements to restore collagen levels; however, there are … A low level of folic acid before pregnancy is a risk factor for spinal cord defects, like spina bifida, in the unborn child. Some medications can cause a higher blood sugar than normal and interact with metformin. Tell you doctor if you take the water pill Lasix, the heart medication digoxin or the antibiotic vancomycin. Her work has also appeared in the "Pittsburgh Tribune Review." St. John's wort and Dong quai can increase the sun sensitivity caused by metformin. Please check with the appropriate physician regarding health questions and concerns. Later, your doctor may want you to take 500 or 850 mg two to three times a day with meals. The B12 in food is unavailable until the acid and enzymes in the stomach release it from its bound form. This condition is a medical emergency, so call your doctor even if you have minor symptoms of lactic acidosis. The risk is higher in older people, those with kidney disease, taking other medications that may decrease kidney function, undergoing radiologic studies using contrast media, with liver disease or in those with other medical conditions such as congestive heart failure. The major safety concern with metformin is a rare but serious side effect known as lactic acidosis. It notes that chromium supplements taken with Metformin may cause blood sugar levels to drop too low and that people taking this medication may require lower doses of the drug due to the added effect.Dr. For some people, however, metformin’s unpleasant side effect of loose stools provides a much-needed balance to the side effects that can result from other diabetes drugs they’re taking. Metformin is usually prescribed for Type 2 diabetes patients who have trouble maintaining consistent blood sugar levels. Copyright © 2020 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. Because in vitro data suggest that metformin can modify glycosylation, this study was undertaken in … Dr. Jackson-Michel is a doctoral graduate of the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that chromium may enhance the effectiveness of diabetes medications like Metformin. // Leaf Group Lifestyle PCOS shows many of its symptoms during adolescence and into a woman’s mid-20s. However, the dose is usually not more than 2550 mg per day. Chromium is a trace mineral that is needed only in small concentrations in the body. Alcohol Lactic acidosis is a rare but serious side effect of metformin. Chromium is a popular supplement for blood sugar regulation among diabetics and non-diabetics. The sources cited below consist of evidence from peer-reviewed journals, prominent medical organizations, academic associations, and government data. Read on to learn more about collagen and diabetes, and how collagen supplementation can be especially helpful for diabetics. It is used primarily to lower blood sugar in Type 2 diabetics, but it is also used to treat the side effects of polycystic ovarian syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Other medications to mention include nifedipine, cimetidine, amiloride and morphine. Many women with polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, are prescribed Metformin. The National Institutes of Health Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet notes that vitamin B12 is found naturally in many foods, especially red meat There appears to be a drug-nutrient interaction between folic acid and Metformin. Rarely, metformin can cause lactic acidosis, a condition that can be fatal. Many of these over-the-counter substances can lower your blood sugar too much or make the metformin less effective in controlling your blood sugar. Apparently collagen makes up 80% of your skins structure. This happens when lactic acid builds up in the muscles, and it can be fatal. Vitamin B12 is probably the most well-known nutrient to interact with the drug Metformin. Metformin, like many drugs, can interact with certain nutrients in the body. You do not have the same assurance when you choose to use an unregulated substance such as cinnamon.