Then, swirl the mixture in your mouth for about 25-30 seconds – and spit it out. It is believed that both the heated oil and the crunchy exterior of fried foods can aggravate the inside of the mouth, which can increase pain for existing sores.If you like to hit the gym, then you may be taking one of the many workout supplements that include arginine as the main ingredient. of salt in half cup of warm water. While there is no evidence that eating any specific food will directly lead to a canker sore breakout, avoiding ones that can potentially trigger the sores should lower your susceptibility to them.Plus, there are a number of foods that will aggravate any existing sores that you should stay away from during an outbreak so that you can heal faster and reduce pain.We explore the 10 worst foods that you can eat if you regularly get canker sores, helping you lower their frequency and improve healing time when you do get them.Citric acid is one of the food types that can directly contribute to the formation of canker sores. Because hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic, it has the ability to clean the canker sore of any present bacteria, and with that, speed up the healing process, causing the pain to reduce.As soon as the hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with the canker sore, it causes foaming due to the oxygen release that happens. The excessive salt found on potato chips, pretzels, and other bar-style snacks can irritate the inside of your mouth, triggering canker sores or aggravating existing ones. The foaming helps to eliminate the mucus and bacteria from the area, leaving a feeling of an all-around clean mouth.Hydrogen peroxide causes immediate pain relief, which is why most people with canker sores use it often. Minor canker sores may also be referred to as "simple" canker sores. Canker sores have been reported to cause a tingling sensation inside the mouth.Not to worry, canker sores, unlike cold sores, are not contagious. This is why clinical research scholars, healthcare professionals, and most importantly, dentists recommend it as a natural healing aid to get rid of canker sores.4. A salt water rinse can work in the same way. You can use salt water to reduce the pain associated with canker sores. Swishing with salt water will relieve pain and accelerate the healing process. The size of a minor canker sore varies but typically stays under 1/3 inch to 1/2 inch. (2014). Repeat the process every two or three hours.Furthermore, saltwater enhances the pH balance of the mouth and create an alkaline environment, which is a drastic habitat for microorganisms including bacteria. ; Oral care products that numb painful areas in the mouth are also useful when treating canker sores. Repeat after every meal. People with canker sores can rinse their mouth with salt water. It is recommended that cheese is eaten in moderation by those who are prone to the sores and significantly reduced when the sores are present.As we recommend with eggs, limit your cheese intake during your breakout to ensure that you heal in the quickest amount of time possible.Eating fried foods on a regular basis is not recommended in any diet, but could be especially bad for canker sores. Excessive acid may increase the chance for more sores and may also reduce your healing time once they have already formed.Avoiding beverages that are made from acidic fruits or vegetables including tomato juice and pomegranate juice is also recommended to optimize the healing time for your canker sores.When you have canker sores inside your mouth, laying off salty and rigid snacks like chips will reduce inflammation and ensure that the sores are not aggravated by any sharp edges.One of the best ideas for a canker sore diet is to stick to foods that are on the bland side. (4), 341-344. doi:10.1016/0306-9877(91)90007-l - Source:2.