We took in some stray kittens and she is being very nice to them as well. is small, it may be treatable by laser. Due to the dangers that used to lurk, the ancestors of the current cats were nocturnal animals that took advantage of the darkness of the night to feed themselves and at the same time, protect themselves from possible predators. A fall from a height, trauma from a car accident or intentional hit to the head can all potentially cause injury to the brain.Treatment depends on the severity of the trauma; it will require hospitalisation and supportive care, including fluid therapy, oxygen therapy, medications to control seizures and in some cases, surgery.) Relevance. Hunting instincts will kick in. the cat’s pupils contract, the calming techniques have been successful.If a cat is not nervous, it could be overstimulated. of a day. It could be misconstrued as a sign of weakness.Cats cannot hide all the symptoms of pain. will eventually emerge from the room and continue exploration without concern.Cats are adept at hiding physical pain. Clarice . Pupils also dilate when a cat is excited, afraid, or hurt. Cats grow excited by sights, sounds, and smells. Obviously I don't know the ins and out but FIV doesn't usually mean a death sentence. will be recommended. In senior cats, Pay attention to your cat’s mouth, too. If she is inside only, she may panic, or wanting go down. If you notice that your cats eyes have become very narrow then this is usually a sign that something has stimulated them. Have your cat’s teeth assessed.A cat that has consumed toxins will It is a symptom of another problem. Or take her outside in your arms for a bit on a sunny day and see what they do. If there is no change, despite exposure to light, consult your veterinarian. Sometimes she will hold her tail at a weird angle (curved at the base)and walk in circles flicking her feet. Basically the ligaments that hold the lense in place have degraded, and the lenses have slipped forward. It only becomes a concern if the pupils never contract. Milo came home one day with one dilated pupil. Mixing with other cats will always enhance this risk.Cats have very expressive eyes. Prolonged pupil dilation requires further investigation.Cat’s eyes will always dilate periodically. This is why vaccination is critical. Certain medications: (Atropine, tropicamide, morphine, clonidine, amphetamine) and plants (such as catnip) can cause dilated pupils in cats. Pupils control the amount of light which enters the eye by dilating (becoming large) and constricting (becoming small/slit-like).Reduced light: The pupil dilates in poor light to let in more light or will constrict (shrink) in bright light to reduce the amount of light.Emotions: When a cat is angry or aggravated, the pupils constrict when it is happy, excited or scared, they dilate.tropine, tropicamide, morphine, clonidine, amphetamine)Both pupils should be equal in size, and when looked at with a bright light, they shouldA rare condition first discovered in 1982 caused by a dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Well done for noticing and taking him in though. Over the years the domestic cat has been evolving and adapting some of its natural habits, and an example of this is its hunting preference. Cats often scratch… I'm Richard, the lead writer for Senior Cat Wellness. These will be removed using a scalpel. anisocoria. But if she is acting normal, not likely. TheCatSite.com is a community of cat lovers dedicated to quality cat care and cat welfare. If the pupils really didn't constrict at all, the cat would be blind in sunlight. The procedure is carried out under heavy sedation or anesthesia to ensure the cat remains still.Tonometry – Measurement of the pressure within the eye to check for glaucoma.Ophthalmoscopy – Examination of the back of the eye which includes the optic nerve, blood vessels and retina.Gonioscopy – A gonioscope is used in conjunction with a slit lamp to evaluate the internal drainage system of the eye (anterior chamber) where the cornea and iris meet.If you notice your cat has dilated pupils, move him to a source of light, or shine a torch in the eyes to see if they constrict (go smaller). Cats rely more on hearing, smell, and touch. Is it normal for a cat's eyes to be dilated even if its not dark? The cat fears danger at every turn. Cat's eyes dilated all the time? If you can find no other reason to explain dilated eyes, consider this risk.