Objective: To assess safety and efficacy of deflazacort (DFZ) and prednisone (PRED) vs placebo in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Corticosteroid effects on growth may influence delay of LoA, possibly by conferring biomechanical advantages for walking.Weight gain may contribute to disability in patients with DMD by increasing the load on deteriorating muscles. I would rather pay the extra money for deflazacort (Which is not approved by our FDA and my insurance won't cover it) then go through the hassel of trying the prednisone (Which my insurance will cover) which I have a feeling that it wouldn't work for him. Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. I felt that the information from Doug Biggars was supper helpful. Effect on blood glucose control in insulin-treated diabetics. Objective: To assess safety and efficacy of deflazacort (DFZ) and prednisone (PRED) vs placebo in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). These results indicate that deflazacort, when employed in an anti-inflammatory dose equivalent to prednisone, should prove advantageous in insulin-treated diabetics who require steroid treatment. They certainly have made him feel more energetic, with lots of energy (I'm not sure that is great either, as he runs everywhere). Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a rare, irreversible, X‐linked disorder, results in a progressive decline in muscle function and when left untreated, leads to loss of ambulation (LoA) by age 10–12 years and death from cardiac or respiratory failure by the late teens to approximately 25 years of age.Deflazacort is a synthetic corticosteroid characterized by the insertion of a fused methyl‐oxazoline ring in the chemical structure of prednisone, with a long duration of action.The objective of this post hoc analysis from a previously published studyThe Ataluren Confirmatory Trial in patients with nonsense mutation DMD (nmDMD) (ACT DMD, NCT01826487) study was a randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled 48‐week trial that evaluated ataluren's treatment effect in stabilizing motor function and delaying disease progression in patients with nmDMD.All patients enrolled in this study had been receiving corticosteroid therapy (deflazacort or prednisone/prednisolone) for ≥6 months at study entry, had no clinically significant change in dosage or dosing regimen for ≥3 months before study entry, and were expected to maintain a stable dose and regimen during the study.This phase 3 study enrolled ambulatory male patients with phenotypic and genotypic confirmation of nmDMD aged 7–16 years. Weight gain was 18% of their body weight in the prednisone arm vs 5% in the deflazacort arms. Deflazacort vs prednisone: effect on blood glucose control in insulin-treated diabetics. (Perdnisone is 0.7 mg per kg). At what point do you start steroids? Inclusion and exclusion criteria were as described previously.Parents or guardians provided written informed consent, and patients provided written assent when appropriate. He has done great on it. Prognosis and management of polymyalgia rheumatica. Bruno A, Cavallo-Perin P, Cassader M, Pagano G. Deflazacort vs prednisone. He does not jump, needs me to hold his hand or use a railing to walk up stairs and I have to cue him to change his feet.