However, dogs do not show pain in the way humans can, so it may be difficult to detect when they are actually hurting. Maintaining dog eye health is critical to having a happy and healthy pet. So much life still in him because we make his food at home. Today's post is about a Siberian husky named Diesel. You may find this Hi, my pet is an 15 yrs old female Pekingese, she has cataracts in both eyes, is safe to anesthesia her at this age? I have personally had to do this with one of my dog’s surgery in the past. He made another visit to the specialist a couple of weeks ago and it was determined that his left eye had lost all vision and the right eye had only minimal vision along with a displaced lens. It's a little difficult to tell from this photo, but the eye is very cloudy and the pupil is dilated. The left is is the worse. Enucleation is the medical term for the removal of the entire eyeball. We are not responsible in any way for such products and services, and nothing contained here should be construed as a guarantee of the functionality, utility, safety or reliability of any product or services reviewed or discussed. Do I proceed with surgery? We began to talk about doing a bilateral enucleation (fancy medical words for "removing both eyes") since there was a good chance that in six to twelve months we'd have to remove the other one anyway. I have known other dogs who have had double enucleations. Cats with…As unpleasant and distressing as it might be, vomiting is not uncommon…No matter how isolated your female cat is, if she has not…Fleas are parasitic, wingless insects that feed off the blood of their…Giardia is a type of protozoa (single-called micro-organism) that causes intestinal infection.…Giardia is an intestinal parasite that can affect both animals and humans. If your dog has bloodshot eyes, you will want to look at some of the other symptoms to help determine the cause. We drove like crazy getting him to the emergency clinic and they tried CPR but told us it was a blood clot and they could keep trying to revive him but he would be brain damaged. I believe it is for one eye only. A dog’s eyes perform a nearly miraculous function – converting reflected light into nerve impulses that the brain uses to form images of the world. To do this well, all the various parts of the eye must be healthy. My Maltese has cataracts and is 15 years old.My name is Daniel. My dog is 15 years old and is possibly a candidate for surgery. I want to give him sight again because I know he would be a completely different dog. She had to have a knee surgery.3 places were charging me $3,390.00 $3,200.00I $4,400.00 without spending the night at the hospital . However, if your dog needs surgery on both eyes, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll cost $7,000. Two months later, in December, he came in for more eye problems. Information published on this website is intended for reference use only. Because there are no guarantees, it’s best to weigh the costs with the potential gains and see what makes the most sense for your dog.If the eye needs to be removed as the result of vision loss because of glaucoma, your dog will need to wear an Elizabethan collar/cone for protection until the sutures are removed.The lingering effects of the anesthesia and the possibility of discomfort may be present in the first few days after surgery but can be managed with medication. It is only used if the eye is beyond saving. This was not an easy decision and I'm sure it sounds radical to many readers.