Patients who took guggulsterone twice daily for 3 months showed a reduction in inflammatory acne nodules by 68% (compared to 65.2% in those treated with tetracycline). Its action is due to the hypolipidemic effects of guggul in the body. It has significant religious value in Hindu religion. Simhanada Guggulu and yograj guggulu have better results in the management of rheumatoid arthritis. Having said that, it doesn't get the attention that it deserves over in western medicine. I’ve been told it is not good for those with osteoporosis. While guggul can be used for a variety of medical conditions I've included the 5 most common reasons you should consider using guggul supplementation. Ayur Times is an initiative of his efforts to bring quality information on Indian Medicine with the highest level of relevancy and scientific evidence.This website and its 3rd party tools like analytics and ads use cookies. Skin ulcers 10. High cholesterol 3. This has to do with pharmaceutical companies funding the majority of studies along with many other issues. You should consider these factors if you are thinking about using guggul to lower your cholesterol. My goal is to provide you with the most in-depth analysis of every topic you read. Conventional use for this herb was designed to treat weight gain and metabolic problems, patients suffering from low energy, patients suffering from thyroid disease, people with cholesterol problems, people with acne and other inflammatory diseases. I’m trying very hard to turn my health around by exercising and juicing and eliminating inflammatory foods. (Lakshadi guggul, a combination of shuddha guggulu, helps a lot in knee pain and osteoarthritis of other joints. in Medicinal Plants) is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbalist. I took guggul extract 750 mg along with other seaweed products for sometime and noticed improvement in symptoms but didn’t know why because I was taking so many things. But there are still other ways in which it improves thyroid function that would still be relevant to those without a thyroid gland (functioning or missing).Last week, I underwent Thyroid lobectomy due to early-stage papillary carcinoma. By influencing thyroid hormone which is a major regulator of cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Due to which, it produces excess heat in the body and might cause following side effects:However, these side effects are only reported if guggul is taken in higher dosage, especially above 6 grams per day.Shuddha guggulu or purified guggul extract is more suitable for losing weight. Shuddha guggulu can be used in the treatment of obesity because it is purified with triphala decoction. However I read here that guggul is more for people with hypothyroidism. Shuddha guggulu is a purified guggul used in various ayurvedic formulations. Some people have reported various side effects as the dosage of guggul exceeds 500mg per day (which I don't recommend). Generally speaking, guggul is well tolerated as far as supplements go. It is even listed on the instructions. I think he has Hashimotos like me so am just about to get a second opinion. These benefits occur naturally through the effects that guggul has on cellular inflammatory cascades. Whenever you consider supplementation for a specific problem make sure you consider what the supplement (or medication) is doing inside of your body and determine if that mechanism will help the cause of your problem. Most conventional doctors read literature and studies produced by pharmaceutical companies promoting their own products. After bouncing back and forth between doses, my doc finally put me on .025mg of levothyroxine. In addition, guggul also increases oxygen consumption (energy expenditure) in both the liver and muscle tissue. To avoid these side effects you can start with a low dose and slowly titrate your dose up based on your desired results. Am I getting symptomatic relief or healing? In the diet program there are recommendations of supplements. Shuddha guggulu is the main ingredients in various ayurvedic medicines used for weight loss. Old guggul, that has been stored for a year, is effective in treating obesity. You can avoid this by purchasing high quality supplements from the brands that I recommend or list on my site. It will still work to improve T4 to T3 conversion in those without a functioning thyroid gland, I was just pointing out that one of the ways it works is by increasing natural thyroid hormone production – which obviously wouldn’t work if the thyroid is missing. There’s also very little incentive for people to do clinical studies on certain supplements so if we waited for the studies they might never happen!