Don't take over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, or supplements unless you check with your doctor first. While you are taking blood thinners, it is important that you are able to recognize the side effects. They also asked about common dietary supplements, including Chinese herbs, various fish oils, ginger and herbal teas.Aspirin was the most commonly used nonprescription treatment in the study, and almost two-thirds of people on aspirin also took at least one other over-the-counter medicine with the potential to increase the risk of bleeding when mixed with apixaban.The study didn’t look at whether mixing over-the-counter medicines or supplements with blood thinners actually caused bleeding or other dangerous side effects in these patients.One limitation of the analysis is that researchers relied on patients to accurately recall and report on what over-the-counter medicines and supplements they used.It’s also not clear from the study whether people started using any of these nonprescription remedies before or after they were prescribed apixaban.“Patients who have taken OTC medications or dietary supplements without any problems prior to starting apixaban may not consider potential interactions, particularly if they ingest the supplements as part of their diet,” the study team writes.“For example, certain ethnic groups may regularly incorporate dietary supplements, such as turmeric and Chinese herbs, in their meals,” the study team notes. As a result, they may not be aware of potential drug interactions.In the current study, researchers surveyed patients prescribed apixaban in 2018. And almost 7% of them regularly took two or more over-the-counter medicines that could be a dangerous mix with apixaban.“New OTC products are constantly being adopted by patients,” Dr. Derjung Tarn of the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and colleagues write in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. Seroquel (quetiapine) Prescription only; 56% of people say it’s worth it; 2 dosage forms $20.79 is the lowest price near you; Compare this drug. Here are some medications, supplements and other substances that can increase your blood pressure. Always tell your healthcare provider or pharmacist about any other medications you are taking. Your health professional can tell you the dosing and directions that will provide the greatest benefit with the least side effects.Not all over-the-counter pain relievers contain aspirin. Others include dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and edoxaban.Unlike the older blood-thinner warfarin, which required regular blood tests to prevent side effects, most people prescribed apixaban or other NOACs are not followed in specialized anticoagulation clinics or monthly by health care professionals, the study team writes. Blood thinners are among the most effective means of preventing a stroke. Safe Daily Use of Aspirin But research has found it works only in certain people, specifically those who had a previous heart attack or stroke, or have disease of the blood vessels in the heart. Now studies show that because aspirin thins the blood, it can also help to lower the chances of a heart attack or a stroke caused by a blood clot in the brain. Take prescription and over-the-counter medications with caution when you’re using blood thinners. Some drugs combine aspirin with other pain relievers or other ingredients and should not be used for long-term aspirin therapy. Ask your doctor if you could be put on a bayer aspirin regimen - low dosage. As a result, blood doesn’t flow smoothly through the heart. Some prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as supplements and other substances, can raise your blood pressure. Zyprexa (olanzapine) Prescription only; 41% of people say it’s worth it; 3 dosage An official website of the United States government: Your blood thinner may not work right with them. You don't have to take any medicine you don't want to.