She didn’t even attempt to examine my face which was what got me so frustrated. instead of "Taking X at the proper dose works better than taking a half-dose of Y"You see SO many people saying that 0.025% Tret did not help their acne. Hi everyone, I've been using Adapalene 0.1% (Differin) almost every day for about a year now and I've heard many people discuss the many benefits of tretinoin and how it is backed up by years of research. Overall efficacy in adapalene group was 84.2% as compared to 39.6% of tretinoin group (p=0.000). am on .025% tret cream (wonder if this makes a difference since it isn’t the gel) at night and clindamycin 1% for mornings and have had significant results... though i have been using since december. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Skin peeled and was more irritating.Tretinoin 0.4% (3 months) Pores not as clear, still acne free since switching, I feel as if I had a shorter purge because I purged on Differin therefore only had a week long purge when using tret. Results Out of 202 patients, male and female patients were 91 and 111, respectively with male to female ratio 0.8:1. Aim To compare the efficacy, safety and tolerability of adapalene gel 0.1% vs. tretinoin gel 0.025% in a Chinese patient population.. Background Although acne vulgaris is a common problem among Asians and Asian‐Americans, little has been published on the specific manifestations, sequelae, and treatment‐responsiveness of this disorder in Asian skin types. Personally, for me, I used adapalene 0.1 for about a month plus on perhaps twice a week. I’m still in the purge phase so I’m waiting for the benefits to kick in.The biggest difference that comes to mind for me between the two is that adapalene doesn’t have studies showing the anti-aging properties, IF there even are any. Neither treatment reached significance at month 3.I guess putting the China study with the Iran study together, we can probably conservatively suggest that 0.1% adapalene gel has at least the same effectiveness in treating acne by week 8 as 0.025% tretinoin gel. I ended up switching dermatologists and was prescribed adapalene 0.3% gel, which I’ve been using for six months. I don’t have personal expierence with adapalene but some comparison studies say 0.1% adapalene has the acne fighting equivalence of 0.025% tretinoin and 0.03% adapalebe has the acne fighting equivalence of 0.05% tretinoin gel but adapalene works faster for some people. Hi everyone, I would like to share a research paper I found. Author information: (1)Skin Care Clinic, New Delhi, India. I have v sensitive skin so that could be a contributing factor.weird. However, there are a lot of studies out there that clearly demonstrate that 0.3% adapalene is better than 0.1% however, and those studies don't show any conflict of interest since Galderma owns the patent for both.What I learned from my research was that it's almost impossible to find studies that aren't sponsored or co-authored by drug companies with an interest in promoting their product over generic tretinoin. I went to a dermatologist and specifically requested tretinoin but the doctor insisted on prescribing me EpiDuo, which is Adapalene (I think .3 but I’m not positive.) Tret is already knocking them out.Do you have very sensitive skin? I use it every 3rd night (about 3 times a week) and I buffer with a moisturizer. Ask any questions, stay moisturized, and may your Purge be swift!Press J to jump to the feed. The Iran study and most of the Galderma sponsored literature read a lot more optimistic for adapalene, which has probably led to a lot of derms preferring adapalene over regular tretinoin for acne for better or for worse.Personally, I have found that adapalene 0.1% cleared me up better than 0.018% tretinoin/8% azelaic acid/1% clindamycin from Curology did but I used that formula for a year despite more mediocre results because I went with the conventional wisdom that tretinoin = better which is an opinion that this sub is generally very biased towards. But moving up to 0.05% did the trick.