All rights reserved. I am so miserable right now. Sj2204; Good Morning; IN the side effects Effexor Xr says Loss of appetite and weight loss.I have been taking this one for around 7 years and that is the way I feel and my weight stay around the same.I REALLY don't think you should have a problem with that on this one. The only side effects I have ever had with the Effexor sj2204 Glad I could help hope you get to feel better soon.And have a nice day Always good to know you can come ask a question feel free to post anytime.Also please be aware of the effects of trying to stop this medication. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. Keep taking the medicine, but tell your doctor or pharmacist if these side effects bother you or don't go away:It is not common, but some people (less than 1 in 100) may have serious side effects when taking venlafaxine.In rare cases, it's possible to have a serious allergic reaction You could be having a serious allergic reaction and may need immediate treatment in hospital.These are not all the side effects of venlafaxine. It has been used in breastfeeding mothers usually without any problems.Venlafaxine passes into breast milk in small amounts. I was hoping to lose weight and want sex again and take more of a interest in my family and this has not happened...I have gained almost 30 lbs on this medicine. You will usually take 37.5mg immediate release tablets twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.Extended release tablets and capsules are released into your system gradually. It is unclear if Effexor causes the weight gain or if the weight gain is a symptom of depression. Effexor XR (venlafaxine) is a prescription drug that’s used to treat depression, anxiety, and panic disorder. It might be best to stop driving and cycling for the first few days of treatment until you know how this medicine makes you feel.You can drink alcohol while taking venlafaxine but it may make you feel sleepy. weight. Venlafaxine is a prescription drug. It might be best to stop drinking alcohol during the first few days of treatment until you see how this medicine affects you.Cannabis with venlafaxine can give you a fast heartbeat. Venlafaxine oral tablet comes in immediate-release and extended-release forms. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It comes as an oral tablet and an oral capsule. In some cases these can continue even after stopping the medicine. If Venlafaxine oral tablet is a prescription drug used to treat depression and social anxiety disorder (SAD). And remember some don't notice a lot of change right off but it is one of the medications that can take 6 weeks to reach the correct blood level.AND remember if you have the normal side effects that many do when you start they get better and pretty much go away in 7 to 10 try not to worry about it.Unless they are just to much and let your doctor know.Thank you so much. If you start to have problems with your weight while taking venlafaxine, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.The good effects of venlafaxine may, after a while, improve your sex life as your mood lifts and you become interested in life and And because Effexor XR works with your natural serotonin, it can actually cause weight loss in some people. Venlafaxine is used to treat depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and social anxiety disorder (social phobia).It may improve your mood and energy level and may help restore your interest in daily living. Sj2204; Good Morning; IN the side effects Effexor Xr says Loss of appetite and Very Important to have a balanced diet.I WOULD NOT EVEN WORRY ABOUT THE WEIGHT with this one and once I started the medication the few side effects I got went away after a few weeks and now I don't even feel like im taking anything except im not in the slump I was in So this is my experience and also facts from the drug side effects hope this helps you. Are there other treatments that will help?