Birth control pills work by minimizing the chances of fertilization, which thus reduce the risk of pregnancy.No brand of birth control pills protects against sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s), and thus you should use an appropriate barrier form of birth control (such as female or male condoms) to protect yourself against the spread of infections and diseases.Birth control pills are taken on a daily basis to ensure the consistent release of hormones. Laurel is a linguist at heart and studying to become a Certified Spanish Interpreter and Translator. Even if the weight loss effects are desirable, your body could be missing key nutrients that may become detrimental to your health.Much like the combination varieties of birth control pills, progestin-only pills can affect your sleep schedule, mood, and exercise habits. The question of which birth control pill will not cause weight gain is not so straightforward. 10 years ago. Here’s what we found:Of all birth control options, the shot carries the highest risk of weight gain. If you’re on the fence about whether the shot is right for you, it might make sense to give it a try while closely monitoring your weight. Lv 4. of women on the shot gained an additional 5% of their body weight early on, with those who did so gaining additional weight after six months of usage. 3 months in however I started gaining wieght like crazy to top … Our team of medical professionals has extensive experience consulting with patients about their birth control options, including starting and prescribing birth control pills, changing birth control methods, and understanding how birth control interacts with your body. Some women might still experience weight gain as a result of the pill. » Scary … Odds are, the same will be true for you. Most PlushCare articles are reviewed by M.D.s, Ph.Ds, N.P.s, nutritionists and other healthcare professionals. The first birth control pill, developed in the 1950s, contained 150 micrograms (mcg) of the estrogen mestranol. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle should eradicate any weight gain associated with taking birth control pills.Doctors may recommend Progestin-only birth control pills for women whose bodies However, progestin-only contraceptive pills are less effective in stopping ovulation (because they lack estrogen), which slightly increases the risk of becoming pregnant. This is often the result of water retention, not actual It’s almost always temporary. Make sure your doctor knows your headache history before you begin taking birth control. Minipills contain progestin alone, so women concerned about increased estrogen levels might consider those as an option. The bottom line is this: The majority of women who use the birth control shot never experience any significant gain in weight due to it. All rights reserved. It isn’t actual fat gain. If you’re worried about gaining weight while on birth control, Here’s what we found:Of all birth control options, the shot carries the highest risk of weight gain. I also drink alot of coffee. As with most medications, it can take some trial and error to find which hormonal birth control option works best for you. Each birth control type and brand comes with different side effects. Different studies have shown that younger, obese women are more likely to gain weight from the shot than others.One bright spot in those studies’ results? If you are looking for a birth control pill that is least associated with weight gain and fluid retention, that would be with the fourth generation progestin drospirenone. But even for women using this method, weight gain is uncommon. Your jeans will fit the same as before or better, but the number you see on the scale may go up. These changes are more likely to blame for minor weight gain than the hormones themselves.Doctors recommend establishing a consistent exercise schedule, and remembering to eat well and get enough sleep to ease you through these changes. But even for women using this method, weight gain is uncommon. Even if you experience minor weight gain or weight loss, your body should return to normal within a month or so of changing your birth control method.Doctors urge patients not to be deterred by weight gain horror stories associated with taking birth control pills.