the thing is - yaz and yasmin are pretty similar, so its surprising that we would have these problems on yaz but not yasmin. I was still able to work but I wasn't nearly as efficient as I once was and I was miserable. !I am 33 and have been on birth control since I was 19 due to endometrosis I'm 32 and currently not on anything but I am thinking of trying yasmin in hopes that it won't affect my mood.I am 29 years old and have taken a few different kinds of BC pill in the past. bloated, gained weight - i've weighed the same for 3 years and suddenly within 2 months gained 10lbs? I also couldn’t utilize my calcium so it was being stored in my hair and joints causing my joint pain. did any get melasma from either one?I started Yasmin about 3 weeks ago -- got put off by the bad side effects and stopped taking the last week of pills. My doctor told me yaz would fix my mood swings, have no weight gain (a loss if anything) and make my skin clear up. I stopped taking my pills back in January after reading how they can cause nutritional problems and absorption issues. I am now seeing new commercials on TV where they are stressing that Yaz is only for women with PMDD or severe acne. I then saw a product advertised on TV, Yaz. While all birth controls contain the hormones estrogen, progestin, or both, manufacturers use different types of each in their products. Alesse rated 5.2/10 vs Yasmin rated 5.6/10 in overall patient satisfaction. I think it depends on the person although I am seeing the same results of others who have switched from Yasmin to Yaz.I was on Yasmin for about 3 years and switch to Yas about 4 months ago. I was hesitant to make the switch because of my fear of unwanted side effects. I don't understand how this could happen with a lower dose pill. I'm going back to Yasmin tomorrow I think. I dont think it has really helped with the Moods but has made me have less anxiety than other BC i have been on in the past. Yasmin is available in two options – Yasmin 21 and Yasmin 28. After having her, I went back on it and sadly became very nauseas. They switched me over to Norinyl 1/28 (generic, Necon). Can anyone please advise on what to expect from yaz to yasmin? After getting used to it (and a little extra emotional) for a couple of months, my PMS symptoms have subsided and my period is very light, short and with minimal cramps. I'm now 80lbs. I am finally starting to maintain my weight and am not losing any more. There were several crucial differences in the way that these two studies were conducted and analyzed that might explain why their results were more favorable than the studies by independent researchers. I took Yaz for a month and not only did I have horrible cramping and break through bleeding, but I was always hungry, had horrible headaches, and gained weight and was bloated like crazy. Getting older (38), I thought I should be on lower dose of the same pill since it was available, my Dr. agreed. The FDA study reviewed the medical records of 800,000 women taking birth control between 2001 and 2007 and reported that women taking birth control pills containing drospirenone were significantly more likely to have blood clots: drospirenone increases the risk of blood clots from 6 in 10,000 women to 10 in 10,000 women (or 1 per 1,000).Additionally, the FDA study showed that the birth control patch and vaginal ring were associated with higher risks of blood clots than pills containing levonorgestrel, but tended to be less risky than pills containing drospirenone.Bayer has advertised Yaz and its other birth control pills in many TV commercials featuring attractive and happy young women, and this has resulted in the pills’ widespread popularity. Does any one have any input on that?I actually did switch back to Yasmin after I typed this and all my old weight issues and everything else went away! She cries all the time, is always angry, mood swings are horrid and depression is terrible. I've been on yaz for about 8 months now and recently just got different insurance, which is not covering yaz. being bloated for the last 6 weeks really hasn't been fun. I have sever PMS and dont' want to go back to the crazy mood swings, anger, emo, etc. Does anyone know what the risk of pregnancy is if I just switch mid-month without a period from Yaz back to Yasmin? Yaz (drospirenone / ethinyl estradiol) for Birth Control: “I was nervous starting Yaz for my Endometriosis because of reviews I had read and my bad experiences with birth control when I was a teenager. And I did have a problem a few years into it with twitching "like a metronome" while I was asleep. I had lost so much muscle mass from my body cannibalizing myself. It has turned my world upside down and I am still not 100%. If you are taking one of Bayer’s birth control pills (Yasmin, Yaz, Beyaz, Safyral) or a generic version, you will want to know about the latest research indicating that these pills have higher risks of side effects than other types of oral contraceptives. If it isn't broken, no need to fix it.I was experiencing a good deal of spotting with Yaz, so I decided to switch to Yasmin because it has a slightly higher estrogen level. is anyone else experiencing this? It should … The Seeger study investigated the safety of Yasmin, and compared “ethinylestradiol/drospirenone initiators and medically similar initiators of other oral contraceptives….” The authors did not specify the types of “other oral contraceptives” that were compared to Yasmin, nor did they specify the dosage of estrogen and progestin taken by women in the comparison group.