Check out the lineup of new movies and shows streaming on Netflix this month, including Looking for some great streaming picks? At least it’s the opposite thumb that’s involved. Cast :-----Ronit Roy as Advocate Karan Divakar (KD) Pathak Romit Raj as Varun Zaveri, KD's Assistant ... Adaalat - Bengali - Episode 81,Nagkanya,Nagin part 2 - Duration: 42:36. If you’re at the place where you feel something has got to be done, please check out this book.Yes puffed sleeves are back in fashion, keep your eyes peeled especially celebrities and in fashion magazines. I knew you had great taste!I was wondering if you could post the title/author to the poem that you read in this episode. Growing up, we often made do and mended, but it was with pride that I learned how. LOL.Oh, puffed sleeves, the friend of the pear-shaped – they balance out hips and are fun to boot.I confess with others that I listen whilst I walk the dog in the mornings, and sometimes it takes me a couple mornings. It was a life saver when I was knitting a purely knit and purl pattern that I would always screw up on the wrong side.Take care and keep up the good work. I came upon it at a flea market and bought it in memory of Gran. I feel like I’ve gone back to the mid-1980s. Kedar's Wife Varsha was extremely upset and scared due to her Husband Kedar's behavior thus Varsha's Sister Sneha forces Varsha to file a police complaint against Kedar but a major incident take place in Kedar's house as fire broke out in his house in which Varsha dies and Kedar Kelkar gets arrested. Join @Platea’s next public art project, “hopes/dreams/fears”. *love* MonicaCast On is a trademark of Cast On Media. All of them did the necessary work of craft through the depression, through World War II, through 1970’s recession, through raising children, through attending college and medial school. You’ll feel better and smell great, too.The entire poem, To be of use, by Marge Piercy can be found here:I am of Ojibwe heritage and an archivist and I want to add that there are some Native American peoples who believe that handmade objects (baskets for example) have souls and should not be preserved forever in museums. Oh my, this just gels my current thinking about design, and making and craft and knittinghaving had canes and walkers and electric wheelchairs. Meet @platea at This week’s knitting mnemonic is brought to you by President Obama’s dog.httpv:// coverage of Betsy Greer’s book! I have been on a knitting fast for about 6 weeks now because of the pain in my thumb, hand and forearm–tendonitis I think and made me remember why I’d given up knitting about 25 years ago. It’s always enjoyable and know that if you have to take a little vacation from knitting to heal that you will survive, and you’ll have a lot more time to read. The poem and the discussion of the intimacy of craft really resonated with me. Also returning tight leggings with tunic length tops, and also, stirrup pants. i haven’t had the new one long enough to do anything with/on it yet…but i will.I just about freaked out when the final song came on because it is one of my absolute favorites. With Kannan Arunachalam, Romit Raaj, Ronit Roy. Not much consolation I know.Well, I’m up early to get some work done so am delighted to be able to download another podcast to listen to, thank you Brenda.I choked up listening to Cinnamon Cooper. So I hope you will forgive me if you address what I am asking in the part of the podcast I have not yet heard.Love the cast, and as a native Oregonian, I love to hear talk about Portland too! I think I shall be doing some very Zen knitting for a while. I couldn’t believe it could be done, but someone had told me their mother always knit that way. Everyone in my family and the local charities will getting all kinds of stuff. I grew up with 100 year old quilts, hand-sewn dresses, hand-made dolls, and superfly granny square afghans. Gasp! But while these things helped, I wasn’t cured, and I felt pretty helpless. An interview with author, Betsy Greer, while Cinnamon Cooper, Sister Diane, Felicity Ford and Otto von Busch, make good; meanwhile, I ponder the mystery of every day objects. I think many would work into a nice book.I’m sorry you’re having pain in your shoulder. But for me, at least, the pain has always come back until I’ve started addressing the root caues. Hubby and I are moving to a mountain top in the Ozarks and I want to move as little as possible. I am now teaching my 5 year-old son to knit, sew and crochet (as I will teach his sister when she stops cutting teeth on my knitting needles.)