Don't double up on doses. I have just taken two instead of one I'm not sure if anyone's gotten an answer offline or not, as this thread is a bit old with no updates from anyone. If you're taking rivaroxaban once a day and you miss one of your doses, you should take it as soon as you remember if it's still more than 12 hours until your next scheduled dose. thanksYes,was told exactly the same as you,and all was well! If you have ever done this, did it cause you any problems? I've done this with bisoprolol years ago, and just slept it off. But it isn't ideal to take it like that because a double dose will intensify the effect all at once, and you need to watch for bleeding issues for the rest of the day. If an overdose of Pradaxa (or even a normal dose) causes bleeding problems, a platelet or blood transfusion may be given to restore the blood's ability to clot. That keeps me straight, and I can tell at a glance if I've already had it. Lesson learned. But don't skip more than one dose. I took 2 tablets this morning at 9:00am in error. Ask your doctor what you should do if you accidentally miss a dose of your blood thinner. I take the left tablet in the morning and the right tablet at nightUnfortunately i did exactly the same this morning so fingers crossed for next 24 hours!! Heading out on a vacation and will actually need to travel with pills in original bottles to make it through customs. So when people who are on blood thinners … Get yourself a weekly pill box and you won't have that problem.. I use a pill box for my afib tablets.......I did take a double paracetamol dose by mistake recently ....and then I u derstand you totally.......I’d be useless without my pill box fir afib.....I even double check I’ve put them in the right place as I’ve caught myself out a couple of times doing that wrong........Old age, forgetting and or taking extra meds is part of the deal, probably do it once or twice a weekI am afraid of doing this so l have a fail safe routine!! We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information - 2. I think it’s very common, so don’t worry I have not remembered whether I took the tablet.... so was either missing one if I didn’t take it or doubling if I took another if had taken it!! I'm on a few other meds as well but I fear my vitamins and calcium supplements would NEVER be taken without a daily pill box. Be more careful when you exercise or are doing activities. If you remembered that you took one too many, but aren't sure when it happened, then skip the next dose anyway to be safe (and write down which dose you're skipping, so you don't forget). Apart from forgetting important things (like pilIs) I find it makes for a peaceful life, as I can no longer dwell on petty things because they're gone from my head in minutes If you accidentally take a double dose, skip your next scheduled dose and take the following dose the next day as scheduled. I can't advise you re taking a double dose of Eliquis, but can certainly identify with your CRS (Can't Remember "Stuff"). I'm 61 and have been using a daily (AM/PM) pill box since before my a-fib diagnosis. anyone been prescribed 5mg Eliquis for one dose and 2.5mg for the second dose of the day. Pill Box will be purchased today!Jjda don’t be too hard on yourself , I haven’t taken my apixaban twice but once just before my second ablation I did forget to take it altogether, resulting in it being put back by 3 weeks, , I have said pill boxes ( they DO help the scattiest of people like myself , but I’ve still had the occasional mishap, forgotten to take altogether ( once ) and taken a.m in the evening and vice versa ( about 4 times, distracted by something ) obviously that is ok with eliquis as we take it twice a day thankfully. I often forget I take my morning pill and would do the same thing if I didn't have a pill box.I don't know I asked that question also what happens if I take Please give me the answer. I can't advise you re taking a double dose of Eliquis, but can certainly identify with your CRS (Can't Remember "Stuff"). Since I was on Warfarin in early 2014 I've had "weekly pill boxes" split into days of the week one for morning one for night.This is primarily because my warfarin dose varied day to say and I was quite forgetful if i'd taken my pills or not. My doctor says not to worry, but skip this morning's dose and start again this evening, trying not to screw it up. Has anyone else suffered from CRS (Can't Remember "Stuff"), and accidentally taken two Eliquis 5mg instead of one just an hour apart? If you noticed the accidental overdose with you morning dose, then skip the night dose. Available for Android and iOS devices. Old age has some benefits. Imagine that!The pill box idea would work. Accidentally taking a double dose of Eliquis. Was only on 5mg so wasn't an issue. If it’s still there, you didn’t! A 19-year-old woman took a double dose of her Wellbutrin ® XL (bupropion, used as an antidepressant and for smoking cessation). Dialysis can be useful for rapidly removing Pradaxa from the bloodstream.