Behavioral health crisis situations can be serious but do not always require an evaluation at a hospital emergency room. Alliance maintains community offices in Durham, Wake, Cumberland and Johnston counties. Alliance offers a variety of options, including a call to our Access and Information Center at (800) 510-9132.Access the Provider Operations Manual and other key publications, finance and claims forms, and other important documents.Alliance is the managed care organization for public behavioral healthcare for the citizens of Durham, Wake, Cumberland and Johnston counties in North Carolina.Alliance partners with over 2200 private providers to offer a diverse variety of innovative, high-quality services and supports. It is not intended to replace the legal source. Because we are experienced healthcare professionals ourselves, we will have no trouble understanding your most specialised requirements, and can work quickly to help you get the right team in place. Alliance Health is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Call (888) 726-3329 or schedule an appointment online. And with Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate. Telehealth and Online Scheduling. You can call the Alliance Access and Information Center toll-free 24 hours a day. For more than 30 years, we’ve offered plans with quality doctors and hospitals, unbelievably helpful customer service, and ways to save.Understand how your insurance takes care of you. Bis zum Jahr 1983 gab es in Köln zwei Niederlassungen der Alliance Healthcare Deutschland AG (Bis 2013 Andreae-Noris Zahn AG). Wir bieten Ihnen für nahezu jede Anforderung das passende und individuelle Lösungskonzept für bildgebende Diagnostik in den Bereichen der Radiologie, Urologie und Nuklearmedizin. Alliance Health is the managed care organization for publicly-funded behavioral healthcare for the people of Durham, Wake, Cumberland and Johnston counties in North Carolina. Alliance maintains community offices in Cumberland and Johnston counties. We have expertise in primary care, mental health and substance abuse, and caring for diverse and complex populations. If you want to report fraud or abuse, you can remain anonymous. Virtual and in-person visits are open for new and existing patients. However, please do not call or email to check the status of a job application. Um den sich ständig ändernden Herausforderungen und insbesondere dem hohen Kostendruck gerecht zu werden, sind innovative Lösungsansätze gefragt.Mit über 250 Projekten und Installationen in medizinischen Einrichtungen pro Jahr in ganz Europa, hat sich Alliance Medical als starker und erfahrener Partner im Gesundheitsmarkt etabliert. Behavioral health crisis situations can be serious but do not always require an evaluation at a hospital emergency room. EcoHealth Alliance is also already at work with policymakers on a plan should RVFV spread to the United States. In case of any discrepancy between this information and the legal source, the legal source will govern in all cases. Ab Köln-Hbf mit der S-Bahn bis Chorweiler, ab Schnellbahnstation Chorweiler weiter fahren mit der Buslinie 121 Richtung Langel bis Fühlingen, Robert-Bosch-Straße. Darüber hinaus konnten wir bereits in Ländern wie Israel und Norafrikanischen Gebieten erfolgreich Projekte realisieren. Below you will find resources to help you make the right … How we use cookies For information on how Alliance Healthcare uses cookies, please read our cookie policy. Diese Rendite ist nur leicht niedriger als der Branchendurchschnitt ("") von 2,44 %. Stadtverbindung: Ab Schnellbahnstation Chorweiler, Bus Linie 121 Richtung Langel bis Fühlingen (Robert-Bosch-Straße), hält direkt davor. Das neue, automatisierte  Haus im Ortsteil Feldkassel konnte am 05.09.1983 bezogen werden und versorgt die Bevölkerung seitdem vollumfänglich mit Arzneimitteln.