Shame.However, when this vellus hair develops into thicker, longer, ‘terminal’ hair… that’s when you know you’ve reached the end of your battle with alopecia. But hey, hair is hair, right? (However, if you know of any place that sells good, inexpensive clip in hair extensions for BABY FINE, STRAIGHT, WHITE hair please pass that on to me! I have Alopecia Areata and losing all around my head (like a headband) my front is fading too (crown is still "thick") I have vellus hairs on my forehead along my hairline (I know they are on my face too) is that a good sign? The PCDS would like to thank Dermatoweb, DermQuest (Galderma), and others who have contributed images. You may also notice suddenly that you have no hair on your arms or hair loss on the scalp may leave totally smooth, round hairless patches behind. (Which is why, even though I’m currently seeing some regrowth myself after my AIP diet, I’m not getting my hopes up too much!) Wondering whether I should cut them out also as I do seem to find it more difficult to digest beans, lentils etc. So I’m starting again, properly this time!! There’s really not enough helpful content like this out there.I’ve been dealing with alopecia areata for about 2 yrs now (started in my mid 30s). Great to hear that you’ve been seeing some regrowth, although I am sorry to hear that it hasn’t lasted in some cases. But anyways, after a few weeks after the diet change I started seeing fuzz. However, it return.In August 2018 I lost all my hair, eyebrows, eyelashes again! I hope you find some of the info on this site useful in terms of potential treatments and please let me know if you have any further questions! Waiting for your reply.Hi Irene, thanks so much for your comment – and I’m really sorry to hear about your AA. And in September I had shingles. It is still something I’m curious about though, and the side effects seem ok (just a little irritation and redness). I’d like to try some! It took me a looong time to get to a point where I’m able to be lighthearted about it but hoping the more we share our own stories, the more fellow alopecians might be empowered to do the same!! I’ll keep you posted!No problem at all David, yes and please do keep in touch! I have had it for about 3-4 years now. Honestly, they are doing you more damage than good. Keep inspiring people Thanks Amy, I really appreciate your very kind words. There are times when I’ve lost big patches from my scalp but it all grew back healthy, however since March time I lost a big patch round my side burn area and its been around 4 month and i’m not really seeing any hair growth. One treatment is simply to rub a red onion on the patch every night before you go to bed, as the juice is great for boosting circulation…raw ginger is very good, too! It’s like you are allowing yourself to destroy yourself internally, and your immune system do exactly you unintentionally wished). I hope you are ok now. In the meantime, check out Hi. Anyway, it is so lovely to hear that it worked for you so well last time..and here’s hoping it does so again! please, remember one important thing. )But don’t let these spiky fellas get to you. They worked for me at first, but left my scalp paper thin and – I think – did a lot of long-term damage to my digestive and immune system. Also, when you say “hole” do you mean it’s like a patch, or a bald spot? I started by taking high dose probiotics, anti-inflammatory diet, propolis and bee pollen every day. You keep searching for a miracle cure, which never seems to arrive. These can be extremely inflammatory so anyone with an autoimmune condition should try and cut them out as much as possible. Alopecia areata affecting the beard. Is this a bad sign it will turn in to total hair loss. Often they’ll disappear as you pursue whatever treatment you’re on, allowing stronger hair to take their rightful place on your crown. But basically, they’re short stubby things that look like…well…exclamation points!If so, they could indicate that your follicle challenges are coming to an end.Of course, the exclamation mark hairs might mean that the condition is progressing further. )Rather, it means the condition might just be getting started. I’ve been suffering from hair loss on and off. However, I noticed that some of the spots seem to be losing hair that had regrew. Any image downloaded must only be used for teaching purposes and not for commercial use. A bit of good news: the fact that the hair is growing back thickly (even if it’s white) is promising. Download. If you do want to use a product, I’d recommend a less intrusive one In general, I’d say try not to check for regrowth signs every day (you might drive yourself mad!) It’s good to hear that you’re experiencing regrowth although personally, I wouldn’t advocate the use of those injections anymore…but each to their own, of course. The less stress you can have in your life, the better!! I also tried the AIP diet (which you can read about I’m all white now. Atrophic, often with a shiny … too much. Atrophy absent 1.3. By the time I was 41, I had developed full blown alopecia universalis.