“This drug has saved me on a thousand occasions, from generalized anxiety to panic attacks or somatic tension, up to situations of severe insomnia where the next day I had to get up early in the morning. I only need 1mg twice a day, maybe on real panic day three times.” ABSTRACT I’ll never forget the first time I actually got the nerve to try it. I was willing to wean myself off of them but cut off.” Xanax (alprazolam) is a benzodiazepine type anti-anxiety medication used to treat anxiety disorders and panic attacks. Staring into space, sometimes with eye blinking REFERENCES: CDC. I am not addicted to it but dependent like a person with high blood pressure is dependent on meds., or diabetic dependent on insulin, or humans dependent on oxygen. Too bad it's not safe to take for a long period of time.” illegal drug abuse, drug reactions, a severe chemical imbalance in the blood, or Xanax helps me break thought loops. I tried everything else suffering severe side effects like Seroquel. I will say I am a lot more lethargic, and that is noticeable. Well my Dr. just cut me off abruptly ! Though the holidays are a fun time for most, for others, they're a sad, lonely and anxiety-filled time. !” On one hand, it is a very fast acting drug, and seems to be more "powerful" than klonopin at the same dosage (0.5mg). “Xanax has helped me a lot 2mg once a day or as needed. Since then, managing sobriety from all benzos has lead to self medicating through other substances (cannabis, ketamine, cocaine, kratom, norcos). It is not possible for a doctor to know if somebody will experience a In previous studies, up to 27.2 percent of people taking the drug for panic disorder experienced weight gain as a side effect of Alprazolam. Berney et al 3 concluded in a systematic review that comparative data of a high level of proof for using newer antidepressants in anxiety disorders rather that benzodiazepines were not available. Loss of consciousness I have never had to up my dosage … If you are struggling with learning the difference between wanting another dose and needing another dose, talk to your doctor.” Previous clinical studies have shown up to 14.4 percent of people taking the drug for panic disorder reported a decreased sex drive, while 7.7 percent reported an increased sex drive as a common side effect to Alprazolam. Helpful for phobias, social anxiety, OCD, and panic disorder. I had taken it for over a year for panic. With anxiety and ptsd issues from combat I can say it’s helped with my sleep and I’m not so tight everywhere I go. Some days now I don't even take it . “I have been using this drug for several years for my anxiety attacks, and it great. My average dosage is 20 drops (0.50 mg). The following information is NOT intended to endorse any particular medication. Alprazolam As An Anxiety Treatment There is no denying that Alprazolam works. “I have been on xanax for over five years. “I have been on Xanax for about 20 years, 1mg for sleep. I start out with the 5mg but they was not strong enough. “Xanax takes away all the nervousness mind racing and anxiety while making me feel calm and content. There are two kinds of seizures, focal and generalized. Alprazolam is an oral prescription drug used to treat anxiety disorders and panic disorder. These Alprazolam side effects are seen more often in elderly patients. I was originally prescribed it more than 20 years ago but kept it as a security blanket. Symptoms include severe pain, itchy skin, and possible weakness or paralysis of the area. Hands down. “I have been taking xanax for 10 years. The withdraw is terrible. "Types of Seizures." Treatment for anxiety may incorporate medications and psychotherapy.Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is a painful complication of shingles. That wreaks my sleep. It makes me tired, even at.25 so I don't take it during the day. As judged by the … I try to take it as little as possible so I won't get addicted. My wife had some Xanax and she told me to try one before going to bed. “Was prescribed Xanax .25 mg as needed about 9 months ago. If you want a completely side-effect free anti-anxiety product, it's recommended that you substitute an all-natural anti-anxiety product like If these typical Alprazolam side effects become unmanageable, consult your physician.