J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1992; 104:117–23Brown MR, Swygert TH, Whitten CW, Hebeler R: Desmopressin acetate following cardiopulmonary bypass: Evaluation of coagulation parameters. IV. DDAVP has also been shown to shorten bleeding time in other conditions, including uremia, chronic liver disease, and aspirin ingestion.The use of any drug that potentiates hemostasis inevitably carries a risk of thrombosis, particularly in patients with atherosclerosis or other risk factors for thrombosis. Thromb Res 1992; 68:429–33Flordal PA, Ljungstrom KG, Svensson J, Ekman B, Neander G: Effects on coagulation and fibrinolysis of desmopressin in patients undergoing total hip replacement. *Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple plants, often used to ease the breakdown of proteins. DDAVP: A new pharmacological approach to the management of hemophilia and von Willebrand disease.DDAVP: The multipotent drug in patients with coagulopathies.Hewson W: Experimental inquiries. Arthro-Immune Joint Support delivers 150 mg of PARACTIN® Andrographis paniculata extract and 250 mg of Curcumin Elite™ extract from turmeric to support joint health. N Engl J Med 1989; 321:1437–43Haith LR Jr, Patton ML, Goldman WT, McCutchan KM: Diminishing blood loss during operation for burns. The vascular endothelium is presumably the main source of vWF. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1993; 106:954–8Zohar E, Fredman B, Ellis MH, Ifrach N, Stern A, Jedeikin R: A comparative study of the postoperative allogeneic blood-sparing effects of tranexamic acid and of desmopressin after total knee replacement. Clinically Proven Joint Relief Arthro-7 is proven to deliver relief from stiff, painful joints and low mobility. Some of these indications have been strengthened by the experience accumulated, others have not been supported by rigorous clinical trials or have been overcome by the advent of more efficacious treatments. A double-blind randomized trial. Acta Orthop Scand 1992; 63:381–5Frankville DD, Harper GB, Lake CL, Johns RA: Hemodynamic consequences of desmopressin administration after cardiopulmonary bypass. This Clinic is organised and lead by Dr.P.S.Balaji, Consultant and Orthopedic Surgeon. Circulation 1994; 90:921–7Ellis MH, Fredman B, Zohar E, Ifrach N, Jedeikin R: The effect of tourniquet application, tranexamic acid, and desmopressin on the procoagulant and fibrinolytic systems during total knee replacement. This Product Is Blended with Extracts of Natural Herbs and Minerals. The storage site(s) of factor VIII and the interaction between released factor VIII and concomitantly released vWF are not well established. BUt I am taking this medicine from last 4 months and there is no more pain in my knee joints. Dialysis may improve the bleeding time and the bleeding tendency, but this is not always the case. They must meet the minimum requirements that are grounded in scientific research and deliver real, measurable results.Pursue healthy joints and comfortable movement with peace of mind — Arthro-7 is formulated without the use of genetically modified ingredients and is free of gluten and shellfish. Ann Thorac Surg 2000; 70:1923–30Theroux MC, Corddry DH, Tietz AE, Miller F, Peoples JD, Kettrick RG: A study of desmopressin and blood loss during spinal fusion for neuromuscular scoliosis: A randomized, controlled, double-blinded study. 76. The hemostatic effects of desmopressin on patients who had total joint arthroplasty. The human body’s collagen stores naturally diminish over time. There is as yet little clinical evidence that desmopressin prevents or stops bleeding complications that develop in association with the use of antithrombotic agents. ArthoBoneJoint contains a complex 1400 mg blend which has made it the most unsurpassed joint formula nationwide. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1996;78: 434 – 40. Circulation 1988; 77:1319–23Salmenpera M, Kuitunen A, Hynynen M, Heinonen J: Hemodynamic responses to desmopressin acetate after CABG: A double-blind trial. Can J Surg 1990; 33:33–6Horrow JC, Van Riper DF, Strong MD, Brodsky I, Parmet JL: Hemostatic effects of tranexamic acid and desmopressin during cardiac surgery. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 1991; 5:142–5Rocha E, Llorens R, Paramo JA, Arcas R, Cuesta B, Trenor AM: Does desmopressin acetate reduce blood loss after surgery in patients on cardiopulmonary bypass? It is also relieves muscular pain.Two capsules twice a day after meal or as directed by the physician.No side effects reported is taken in prescribed dose.I got relief on using this medicine from Kalvraksh Ayurved. Arthro- definition, a combining form meaning “joint,” “jointed,” used in the formation of compound words: arthropod. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1989; 98:217–9Letts M, Pang E, D’Astous J, Jarvis J, Lawton L, Luke B, Rhine E, Menard E: The influence of desmopressin on blood loss during spinal fusion surgery in neuromuscular patients. This view is supported by the observation that in rats injections of desmopressin elicit biological responses that are clearly related to the activation of endothelial cells, like surface expression of P selectin and subsequent margination of leukocytes.A puzzling, unresolved question is how desmopressin is efficacious in bleeding disorders other than hemophilia and vWD, in patients who have normal or even high levels of factor VIII and vWF.