If you do not receive an email within 10 minutes, your email address may not be registered, Give the medicine at about the same time each day so that this becomes part of your child’s daily routine, which will help you to remember.Your doctor will work out the amount of azathioprine (the dose) that is right for When your child’s eczema starts to improve, your doctor will reduce the dose gradually. , It’s hard to hear your ... shares their diagnosis. I'm really unsure about this. Department of Dermatology, University of Pretoria, South AfricaDepartment of Dermatology, University of Pretoria, South AfricaDepartment of Dermatology, University of Pretoria, South AfricaDepartment of Dermatology, University of Pretoria, South AfricaSupported by the South African Medical Research Council.Use the link below to share a full-text version of this article with your friends and colleagues. Azathioprine is an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant medication. Several months of treatment were needed to obtain significant improvement in the eczema and long term remissions followed cessation of therapy.Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. © NPPG, RCPCH and WellChild 2011, all rights reserved. However, medicines can be used in different ways for different patients. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), the Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group (NPPG), WellChild and the contributors and editors cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of information, omissions of information, or any actions that may be taken as a consequence of reading this leaflet.Please complete our short and fun user survey! Contact your doctor if these side-effects go on for longer than a week.There may, sometimes, be other side-effects that are not listed above. Transplant patients immunosuppressed with azathioprine should not discontinue it on becoming pregnant. My son is on it for many months. This leaflet has been written specifically about the use of this medicine in children. Severe Interactions. IVF Chemotherapy Hysterectomy . Nine patients with eczema were treated with the immunosuppressive drugs cyclophosphamide and azathioprine. But to sum up - have had eczema starting at 15 years old but always in short bursts of flares, after which it goes into a manageable state for years. In all patients the eczema was severe and incapacitating and had not responded satisfactorily to systemic and topical corticosteroid therapy. Your doctor will explain what to do. It works by helping to stop your child’s own immune system from attacking their own skin. Have the medicine or packaging with you if you telephone for advice.We use medicines to make our children better, but sometimes they have other effects that we don’t want (side-effects).If your child gets flu-like symptoms, sore throat, or unusual bleeding or bruising, contact your doctor, as there may be a problem with your child’s blood.If your child starts being sick every few hours, has stomach pains, is very sleepy or has jaundice (the skin or eyes look yellow), take them to your doctor or hospital straight away, as there may be a problem with your child’s liver.Your child may get the following side-effects when they first start taking azathioprine. In all patients the eczema was severe and incapacitating and had not responded satisfactorily to systemic and topical corticosteroid therapy. Do not reduce the dose until your doctor has told you to.It is important that you follow your doctor’s instructions about how much to give.Give azathioprine with a drink after your child has eaten.It may take 2–3 months for azathioprine to work properly, so your child’s eczema may still be troublesome for a while. Nine patients with eczema were treated with the immunosuppressive drugs cyclophosphamide and azathioprine. Azathioprine for severe atopic eczema. Subreddit Rules: Please do not ask for a diagnosis. The eczema improved in all patients and systemic corticosteroids, which had resulted in undesirable side‐effects, could be decreased or stopped. If you or your child comes into contact with anyone who has measles, contact your doctor, as infections can be more severe.If you think someone else may have taken the medicine by accident, contact your doctor straight away.Your doctor, pharmacist or nurse will be able to give you more information about azathioprine and about other medicines used to treat severe atopic eczema.Version 2, April 2017.