Retinoids play a crucial role in the treatment of acne by regulating skin cell turnover & reducing inflammation deep in the skin to clear & prevent pimples. That means you no longer have to bear the expense of doctor visits to enjoy all the proven benefits of Adapalene. Differin Gel Adapalene Gel 0.1% Acne Treatment Differin contains the first OTC Rx-strength acne-fighting retinoid. The scar count reduction from baseline was 21.7% at week 24 and 26.9% at week 48 for the skin treated with adapalene/benzoyl peroxide gel. Retinoids have vitamin A activity which helps regulate cell turnover to make sure your skin goes through the right process, creating a healthier environment for skin. Adapalene has similar acne-fighting and exfoliating properties to tretinoin, but it’s not quite as harsh. Acne, Acne Scarring and the OSCAR Study The OSCAR study was a phase 4, multi-center, randomized, investigator-blinded, vehicle-controlled, intra-individual study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Epiduo Forte Gel (indicated for the topical treatment of acne vulgaris) versus vehicle gel (n=67) in subjects with moderate to severe acne and atrophic acne scars. Since I’d never tried prescription retinoids, she wanted to see how my skin reacted before jumping straight into an ingredient like tretinoin. The exfoliating properties of the adapalene are beginning to fade many of my older dark spots (finally! © 2020 The Klog. – Get the latest news and education delivered to your inboxGet the latest news and education delivered to your inbox This resulted in dark hyperpigmentation all over my forehead. After doing some research, I decided that I should see a dermatologist to get a prescription for a topical retinoid such as tretinoin. The only immediate effect I really noticed were the development of some blackheads on my chin and jawline, but they disappeared with continued use of Epiduo. My skin often feels dry and tight after applying Epiduo, so the snail mucin has been helping keep my skin moisturized. I then progressed to using the Epiduo every other night and I switched out my moisturizer for an essence, specifically the Now, I apply it every night directly on my skin after cleansing, and follow with a thicker essence (afterward. I’ve now been using Epiduo for about a month and a half, and I’ve already seen how my skin has changed. Studies suggest 0.3% could help with acne scars, especially if they are early (i.e. My doctor ended up recommending Epiduo, a combination of 2.5% benzoyl peroxide and 0.1% adapalene gel. I’ve removed any exfoliating acids from my routine since it’s not recommended to use any AHA or BHA in combination with retinoids, but I’ve noticed that my skin texture is soft and smooth when I wake up – similar to the result of using an acid product. Forty-five patients chose to enter the 24-week extension phase, in which the gel was applied on both sides of the face. What is adapalin? I haven’t experienced a single breakout while using this, and the small hormonal whiteheads that I get occasionally heal much faster with minimal scarring. Tell us about your experience in the comments below! After finally getting my picking habit under control (at least most of the time), I had to deal with tackling the years of damage in the form of PIH (Vitamin C, azelaic acid, hydroquinone, alpha arbutin…I can’t think of a After experiencing lackluster results, I had an idea. ReadMore Vitamin B5 (Pantotenic Acid) for Acne – 3 Ways It Can Clear Your Skin 10 Best Acne Treatments for […] Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on Adaptalen gel is one of the latest products for the treatment of pimples. After doing some research, I decided that I should see a dermatologist to get a prescription for a topical retinoid such as tretinoin. The two most popular being tretinoin , an anti-aging all star known widely by it’s brand name Retin-A, and Accutane (isotretinoin) — an oral prescription drug for severe cases of acne.