I read countless research documents and books. Psychology Today © 2020 Sussex Publishers, LLC Now I focus on exercise, diet, education, music, self-expression, art and having a good time without going crazy. Since then I have quit drugs, alcohol, smoking, hanging out with dickheads, sugar, gluten, and toxic relationships. Meditation such as loving and caring meditation, mindfulness meditation, learning zen mindfulness, doing emotional check-ins, free dancing and diary writing have saved my life. You’ve adjusted to the routine of taking your medication. But it takes commitment and work.Check out orthomolecular psychology, read up on the brain gut connection, brain allergies, meditate, find a 12 step fellowship, don't drink alcohol or use drugs.Good luck!! !I have been labelled with 7 different diagnoses over the years. I was on depakote as well, but once I got used to the medication it had no affect and they wanted to continue to up my dose. So I used alternatives, like meditation, change in eating habits, and exercising to change my thought patterns. Now, I'm curious to know if anyone else has been able to manage/overcome bipolar disorder without medication. Author. What can I do?More and more doctors are getting on board with the gut/brain connection as more research become available on micro flora and their close relationship with brain and mental health. Furthermore, if the patient does elect to discontinue medication treatment, it’s important that the prescribing provider is monitoring the process since many psychiatric medications can cause uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms if they are abruptly discontinued. Unfortunately, this decision often yields the unwanted outcome of relapse and a return to mood instability. I'll also refer you back to the last paragraph of my blog post.I too have seen personality disordered individuals incorrectly diagnosed with bipolar who have then had years of mood stabilizing drugs that were not clinically indicated.I've also seen people like yourself who have been able to stabilize and find enduring well being through medication and other beneficial self-care approaches. It’s not uncommon that this wishful thinking results in a decision to discontinue medication because mood is stable and overall functioning is good. Co-operate with them and use what you can from doctors. Nevertheless, many people (philosophically, even me) wish to be medication-free. Unfortunately, after 7 different medications, nothing was working. WebMD understands that reading individual, real-life experiences can be a helpful resource, but it is never a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health care provider. But if the patient persists in her desire to see how she does without medication, I must accept that choice. I agree that sometimes that does occur. In replacement, I developed a loving and trustworthy relationship with this beautiful being of essence inside of myself. Please head on
The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. Reserpine– an herb that may treat bipolar mania but probably only adjunctive to lithium. See what your medical symptoms could mean, and learn about possible conditions.Get information and reviews on prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, vitamins, and supplements. Psychopharmacology Bipolar Disorder Without Medication The young adult’s desire to leave bipolarity behind. They’re not yet ready to accept their bipolarity. He also maintains a private prac...There are some people who can't or won't understand at all. My father is some kind of aggressive monster who assaulted me throughout my whole childhood. Communities are not reviewed by a WebMD physician or any member of the WebMD editorial staff for accuracy, balance, objectivity, or any other reason except for compliance with our Terms and Conditions. Can the Online Proliferation of QAnon Be Stopped? Please click on my username or avatar picture to read my story.I'm glad the medication helped! With all these issues pertaining to medication I also strongly urge the patient to involve her prescribing physician or psychiatrist in the discussion. Nothing was ever good enough for her and I pushed myself into a manic frenzy to try gain her love. And for individuals like yourself where maturity and discipline have allowed you to develop successful alternative approaches - keep up the good work and continue to broadcast a message of hope.Get the help you need from a therapist near you–a FREE service from Psychology Today. They will also make you obese and cause diabetes. Additionally, if the experiment in remaining medication free is unsuccessful and the individual Bipolar relapse following medication discontinuation can be a strong disappointment in response to one’s wish that the diagnosis was inaccurate or that the “chronic” prognosis was false.