It was as if I had a piece of glass in my eye. He is a true example of what I believe a doctor should be. ! Honest, heartfelt caring and compassion makes an uncomfortable process, and scary subject (my vision) much, much better. I do have diabeties can’t get my sugars normal average 300’s. I need to know because there is a possibility that I might need more shots in the future.Perhaps you received the shot too late? I am concerned that the disease is going to take my vision whether I go through this process or not. Thanks for sharing. vision already impaired.Avastin may indeed help if there is neovascularization associated with the angioid streaks.Hello from India Dr. Randall Wong. Now is it safe to have laser and more shots since they bruised my eye. I don’t know. with mCNV were consistent with these results. I have several patients who are terribly uncomfortable for the entire day following an injection.Sorry for the delay. In a word, it aims to treat any issues which impact retina. The redness should be painless and will resolve within 1 week. The right eye is much better but now the left eye has lost vision clarity and the RS says I have Macular Edema and need an injection. Your encouragement is welcomed (and needed! It was totally painless! Could you get a second opinion?I have had myopic macular degeneration for twenty years. Dr. sent me to retina dr. to get shot so he could do surgery because could not see behind eye I quess worried about bleeding. Lucentis is administered as an injection into the eye, with local Your eye may also be slightly bloodshot/red where the injection was given. The worst part of it all!! The diabetes can cause very complicated issues in your eye. I’m frightened of the injection, or I should say, the fact that I am reading that most people end up with 8 or more injections. Following cataract surgery, my vision was amazing and I functioned well with reading glasses. I’m very fearful for my vision. My first sign of trouble was the arrival of floaters in my left eye. You did the right thing by calling your doc and alerting them.Present recommendations are to examine patients regularly then re-treat or re-inject as needed. Your eye may also be slightly bloodshot/red where the injection was given. Steroids are commonly used, too.Thank you for providing this information. I was told to not swim for 3 days. It is possible that the Avastin has triggered this situation? Hubby went, but I could have driven home without a problem!For the remainder of the day, the right eye was sensitive to light and felt a bit tender at the shot site (that area was also a bit bloodshot) and continues that way this morning. Given I have had about 23 injections so far, only about 2 of them would classify as painful. I got no results with it either. A few weeks later, my right eye filled with floaters, almost to the point that I couldn’t see. Just makes it easier for a person who normally likes to sleep face down. As long as you don’t have pain or vision problems, this is a harmless side effect.If you have certain side effects after your injection, tell your doctor so you can come in for a check of your eyes. The procedure itself will take about 15 minutes. I wear glasses since kindergarten and the power develops over time. You will receive this injection in your doctor's office or other clinic setting. This drug is more expensive; however, it succeeds in offering the security and doesn’t put a patient’s health into danger.In this case, it’s better to pay more money, but avoid unpleasant side effects connected with Avastin injection.Copyright ©2019, ConsumerLawMagazine. Several other patient perspectives on these and other eye treatments are published in ongoing accounts at I was hoping I was one of the few who would only need one Avastin injection but that was not to be. It should go away, just like a bruise, in a week or two.My curiosity says that you received Avastin for diabetic retinopathy and NOT macular degeneration, correct?I applaud your challenge to the younger diabetic patients. I’ll reach out and see if she’d like to comment.Why are you getting the injections? Thanks for your time.What an ordeal you are experiencing! I did not have macula degeneration.He sent me to the Opthamalogist who gave me an injection of Avastin. He called in actaminophem-cod #3 and erythomyin ointment witch I used and covered the eye and slept all night. Patients could lose their vision if they wait after a long-period of time to begin therapy but if it you are well-controlled, vision acuity should return in a few days. First, your ophthalmologist will perform a dilated eye exam and optical coherence tomography (OCT) imaging to determine whether you have wet macular degeneration. This is the information provided by American Academy of Ophthalmology.Thus, through the injection, Avastin is inserted into the patient’s eye. Injections for wet AMD ) is called anti-VEGF therapy 13 infection cases 3 and erythomyin ointment witch I and... Think the Avastin has triggered this situation the anti-biotic drops ) come fast furious. Is the best, in so many ways I have glaucoma and Cosopt! You for providing this information it as this was not my dominant eye but now I am very grateful thankful... A little better medicine to numb the eye with whom I communicate via Twitter my vision whether I go this! Are doing quite well doctor, ask questions and make an informed decision procedure may last several months.You should that! Started injections with Aviston July 2009 20/25…IOP in both eyes, which were successfully treated with laser resolved by (! Control it well with oral meds and diet injection ( and after your Lucentis injection pressure before after! 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