My kids have never cruised and are not prone to motion sickness. And that's even though the FDA has long known that many remain safe and potent for years … I found a pharmacy (in Utah) where they sell this OTC in 100 chewable tablets for about $10. That way you aren't giving meds if they don't need it. Exelon was named to this index for 14 consecutive years, in recognition of the company's corporate sustainability performance. They do have children's bonine … I also kept taking one every morning of the cruise and never felt a thing.My Pediatrician only recommends Benedryl for my boys (5 and 9). 3x+ per year. We have a problem with car rides! Thanks for all the great advice!Something that has worked for us is having a small bottle of peppermint essential oils and putting a little on a cotton ball in a baggie and sniffing it periodically or just carrying the bottle and smelling it. Some people in my family have been known to give their kids 1/4 of a tablet and they've done well. We went on a cruise in Feb. and made sure we took our Bonine every 12 hours and had no problems at all. This is what my pediatrician said also (i.e about drowsiness). It did make me a little drowsy so I skipped it one morning we were in port for the day. I would check with your pedi though, especially with all the stuff going on with kids medicines right now.They make a chewable version of both Dramamine and Bonine. Share this post. Have fun! The only downside is that they both make him a bit groggy at first. Benedryl is safe for children. I know the package says not to give them to children under 12 unless recommended by a doctor. Thanks - MikeI am usually fanatical about reading directions, but I didn't on the Bonine; I have no idea why! It WILL work, no question, but he may sleep half the trip! my DS just went to his physical 2 weeks ago (he's turning 5 in 2 months), and we asked the dr. she mentioned that benedryl works the same as seasick pills that you get over the counter for adults. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. We gave all of our group ginger candy and pieces of ginger to suck on. I bought Dramamine and Bonine to take with us. It doesn't make him overly sleepy with a smaller dose. Where did you find the kids Bonine? Answer 1 of 11: From your personal experience, did anyone here gave bonine (meclizine) to a child and did they experience any side effects? It's sorta a last resort thing. You could ask the pharmacist the dosage for children. It seemed to work. So I asked the pediatrician. Twelve-year-old … I can actually buy Benadryl here (Canada I can only buy Benadryl or gravol)The dipenhydramine in the Benadry will have a more sedative effect.If your pharmacy does not sell Bonine (brand name), ask for meclazine (active ingrediant). We gave all of our group ginger candy and pieces of ginger to suck on. We had sea bands -- just in case. They give you a one year expiration on the bottle which would put you in 2011 but we are in 2013 now. Both brands say their products should be taken prior to activity for best results, and both types of pills contain lactose.Bonine's active per-tablet ingredient is 25 mg of meclizine hydrochloride, which prevents seasickness symptoms with minimal drowsiness. The Bonine is non-drowsy but the Dramamine isn't. But she told me to give my son liquid Benadryl and it should work just as well. If you're lactose intolerant or if you plan to consume alcohol, stick with a more natural remedy like an In our experience, the majority of people prefer Bonine; you can read the opinions of fellow cruisers and join the discussion on the Cruise Critic is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by promoting and linking to Critic makes no endorsements, representations or warranties with respect to the products, organizations or websites referenced in the above article, nor is any warranty created or extended by providing such information, and Cruise Critic shall not be liable for any damages arising therefrom. However, given that background: last year when ds had just turned 5, I gave him 1/2 a Bonine tab on the boat from Catalina Island back to San Pedro. - MikeWe gave a half to our 8 year old and she did just fine with it. It has always worked for her in the car and on planes. I took it with us last year for my 3 and 5 year old (at the time).