Until then, there is The next version of RUIS for Unity will include a simple OpenVR calibration process that allows you to match the coordinate systems of an OpenVR device and a custom tracking system of your choice (e.g. For some reason I needed to run each demo in administrator mode to get them to work.To summarize: this first HTC Vive dev kit, its hardware and parts of the software, feels like it was hacked together by a group of scientists in a lab. In this example the player has augmented the game with two additional 2D streams positioned in the virtual world: a Reddit browser tab and an episode of The Office (streaming from a hard-drive or online video service such as Netflix). I hope that soon I will get a permanent access to HTC Vive, so I can integrate it into my RUIS toolkit, enabling developers to combine room-scale Lighthouse tracking with full-body tracking of Kinect.with RUIS being free and highly versatile, it is the clear winner for low budget applications.The author changed the wording in the final article version to “In the article RUIS reached almost the same score as MiddleVR (a professional $3000 toolkit) which came on top when price was not considered, as seen from the below table adapted from the article:In the above table each category was given 1-5 points.In terms of “Documentation and support” getReal3D scored 10, MiddleVR 20, and RUIS 14. And that is the idea of I liked Nonny’s ideas and asked to see more of her work. Because when the player gets bored, the only escape is to remove the headset and quit the game.All games become repetitive sooner or later, when the player gets used to the gameplay mechanic or is forced to do mindless grinding in order to proceed. I believe that the situation will be much better with the 2nd Vive dev kit.I didn’t have any problems with the tracking quality and everything ran smoothly. In the context of game development suites and 3D animation & modeling, I can imagine VR interfaces being faster only in tasks that do not require great accuracy: quick and dirty placement of objects, 3D sculpting, and animation blocking. I avoided using the term WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer) interfaces, because its definition is unclear about the inclusion of keyboard shortcuts.Similarly, I used the term “VR interface” to mean 3D user interfaces that utilize an immersive display (head-mounted display or CAVE) and 3D input devices. But that is not the case for all games (2D games being the most obvious ones), let alone business software.Take into account that currently the added immersion of head-mounted displays come at the cost of ergonomics; the user has to wear a heavy, sweaty headset that induces Furthermore, VR interfaces and traditional interfaces excel at different tasks (I’ll discuss that in a future post), and it is not clear yet in which application domains the use of VR brings noticeable benefits. I was responsible for setting it up at a Overall the experience, particularly running the demos, was great. Unity 5.5 will apparently get rid of the bug. Instead I resorted to googling for unofficial, 3rd party Vive demos, which understandably had lower production values. Please note that RUIS is mostly intended for CAVEs with a small number of displays because each view is rendered sequentially. I believe that it will be useful in a number of real-world cases, despite the narrow field of view.I was surprised that the interactive cursor was locked to the center of the display, and could only be moved only by rotating my head. The oral dispersible tablets should be kept in their original package.Do not dispose of medications in wastewater (e.g. Hololens also comes with a wireless clicker peripheral that can be used instead of the gestures. A new, official RUIS release will come out later this year.The project contains a new example scene (RUISViveNeuron), which allows you to use Perception Neuron with HTC Vive. In non-VR games the players can cope with the boredom by simultaneously engaging some additional activity.HTC and Valve were smart to allow some real-world multitasking by equipping the Vive headset with a camera. This hasn’t stopped companies from adding VR interfaces to their existing software, or creating new VR applications for tasks that in the past have been mainly performed using more traditional input devices.VR editors in game engines are another example of using VR interfaces for existing tasks. I reckon that there are certain tasks where the use of VR interfaces could become popular There are no guarantees that VR interfaces would be rapidly adopted by professionals in a domain like 3D modeling; plenty of work still remains to be done in the design, software, and hardware aspects of VR interfaces.In this article I have used the term “traditional interfaces” as an abbreviation for graphical user interfaces that utilize a 2D monitor, pointing device, and keyboard.