They can be caused by tension, congestion, constipation, or in some cases, preeclampsia (detected after 20 … The most severe cases might result in hemorrhoids and anal fissures, caused by pressure on the veins around the rectum; these cause pain and discomfort but don’t put you or your baby in any danger. Here's what you can do to get relief from pregnancy constipation.Both of Adele Hedrick’s pregnancies were marred by months of cramping, bloating and gassiness thanks to constipation, which affects 11 to 38 percent of pregnant women. ), as far as potentially starting labor, you’re in the clear. Constipation during pregnancy is often a charming accessory that comes with growing humans. For occasional constipation during pregnancy lifestyle changes are recommended first. One of the major functions of the large bowel is to reabsorb water back through the lining of the bowel. Constipation is often an early sign of pregnancy, and sometimes it continues for all nine months (sorry!). Gestational Diabetes, Hyperemesis Gravidarum, haemorrhoids or hypothyroidism can all influence the likelihood of constipation occurring. The combination of extra iron supplements (to make up for any blood loss), narcotics (in the case of a C-section), limited mobility (because, well, you just had a baby) and a fear of pain while straining to go can all contribute to postpartum constipation. The longer that poo sits in the large intestines, the more water is reabsorbed back into the body and the harder the poo becomes. Constipation can make you feel constantly bloated, uncomfortable, or even achy. Mineral oils, harsh aperients such as castor oil and laxative tablets can be risky during pregnancy. Continued Pregnancy Headaches. If lifestyle changes aren’t working, ask your doctor about over-the-counter stool softeners, such as Colace®. When there is some interruption in this process and the poo sits for longer than it needs to, constipation occurs. When there is little fluid left, this leads to pain when having a bowel motion, anal tenderness and sometimes tearing of the tissues. Pregnancy constipation, defined as having fewer than three bowel movements a week, can be uncomfortable. And if you suffered from constipation prior to pregnancy, there’s a good chance you’ll suffer in pregnancy. Having a sexually transmitted infection during pregnancy can cause serious health problems for you and your baby. High progesterone levels due to hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause chronic constipation after delivery. “It added so much more discomfort to pregnancy,” says the Bowmanville, Ont. In the early weeks following vaginal delivery, pain around the perineum and anus is common, especially when a mother has had an episiotomy or stitches. Embarrassment, combined with our general reluctance to talk about bowel functioning, means that many women are unsure if their experience is unique. Then if constipation persists some over-the-counter medications can be used if necessary. mom of two. Constipation during pregnancy. As for exercise—a 20- to 30-minute walk a day can be enough to stimulate digestion. A certain amount of water is necessary to help form bowel motions and give them shape. When taken in the extreme they can lead to premature labour. Simply getting up and moving can help constipation. Cramping during orgasm: You may notice a bit of cramping during or right after an orgasm.As long as it's mild and short-lived, it's perfectly normal and nothing to be alarmed about. It relates to the consistency of the motions or “poo”, rather than the frequency they are passed. Constipation can also lead to problems with bad breath and a general feeling of sluggishness and fatigue. Another role of the large intestine is to push the bowel motion along the bowel wall towards the rectum. Other common symptoms are abdominal pain and a feeling of fullness and bloating. If you are worried about your own health, or your child’s well being, seek immediate medical advice. Take a look at each week of your pregnancy, from conception to birth, with our comprehensive email newsletters.Remember: check your email and click on the link in the Huggies welcome email to confirm your details. Many women take their own supply of bran, nuts, seeds and stool softeners to the maternity hospital. And there are plenty of natural ways to curb constipation before it gets to that point—prevention, says Wong, is key.It’s recommended that women drink 10 cups of fluids daily during pregnancy, but if you think that much water is too much to down, don’t worry—other liquids count too. Constipation is one of the most common health issues during pregnancy. Never take a laxative or stool softener to treat constipation, though, without first speaking with your health care provider, says Wong.While Hedrick found temporary relief in water and All-Bran (“I sprinkled it on everything,” she says), long-term relief didn’t come until after delivery when she was able to return to her pre-pregnancy diet, which included “a lot of dark, leafy greens” as opposed to “fully loaded cheeseburgers.” Despite her experience, though, Hedrick says she’d do it all over again: “There are no pregnancy discomforts that could have held me back from having children,” she says.St. Often something warm first thing in the morning, like herbal tea or hot lemon water, is enough to get things going.