Patients should make a note of how often they experience vomiting while on statins, and they should share this information with their physician. Further tests may be needed, and it might be possible to switch to another drug that does not cause this effect.Discover additional side effects patients may see with statins now.Headaches are a fairly unusual side effect associated with statins. Patients who take statins along with fibrates are at a higher risk of experiencing this side effect compared to patients who take statins without fibrates or other cholesterol-reducing medication. It may be possible to switch to a lower dose or another medication that does not have this side effect. Atorvastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin, and simvastatin are some of the most commonly prescribed statins, and some patients also combine these with newer injectable drugs that can aid in reducing cholesterol. Statins are medications that reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Rashes are more likely to occur with statin use in female patients over sixty years old, and studies have found rheumatoid arthritis patients and those who use Aspirin and statins together are both at an elevated risk of developing a rash. Patients who experience nausea or vomiting while taking statins should see a physician immediately. In addition, several case The test results can be used to tailor treatment to the patient's needs.The side effects discussed below are some of those patients might observe during treatment with statins.Muscle aches and weakness are frequently reported with the use of statins. To treat constipation, patients are advised to increase their dietary fiber intake by adding more legumes, fruits, and cereals to their diet. Your symptoms Itching may or may not be present with the rash. For example, female patients and individuals over eighty years old are more likely to experience side effects, and patients who have liver or kidney issues could also have more unwanted side effects. Individuals who experience dizziness should mention this side effect to their physician. Statin medicines can cause myopathy, fatigue, neuropathy, rhabdomyolysis, and memory loss. Rarely, statins may cause liver damage or Continue reading to reveal more common side effects of statins now.Some patients have noticed gas or bloating from statin use, and these symptoms are normally accompanied by abdominal pain. Rhabdomyolysis can To make it easier to cope with muscle pain, patients should try to avoid overly vigorous exercise, and taking a temporary break from statin treatment (with a doctor's approval) may help.Get more details on the common side effects of taking statins now.Abdominal pain has been observed in many individuals who take statins. This medication can cause unusual results with certain lab tests for glucose (sugar) in the urine. In some cases, the skin becomes very dry and starts to peel, and skin blistering has occurred in rare instances. * HealthPrep does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Patients should always speak with their prescribing physician immediately if they notice any muscle pain while on statins. Flat soda, sports drinks, water, and fruit juice may be beneficial, and patients might want to consume foods or drinks that contain ginger. Some patients have found adopting a lactose-free diet reduces their bloating and gas, and it can also be helpful to eat all meals and snacks at a slow pace. © 2008 - 2020 All material on this site is copyrighted and may not be used or reproduced in any form without written permission I then started seborrhic dermatitis on my head but it has now progressed to my ears and - just now - to my eyebrows, despite the medication I have been prescribed for both. Lentils, dried beans, and vegetables that belong to the cabbage family could trigger gas, and patients might want to plan their meals to minimize or eliminate these foods. I can guarantee you that I could take my liver enzymes up within a … Research indicates statins help reduce a patient's risk of strokes, heart attacks, and death from cardiovascular disease by as much as thirty-five percent.