Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. As you know, the treatments for RA can have significant side effects, so we like to be as sure of the diagnosis as possible. The nasal spray version contains live virus, so it's not recommended for people with weakened immune systems.Your doctor might also recommend the pneumonia vaccine and the shingles vaccine. These types of vaccinations could cause infection in people with suppressed immune systems.Doctors recommend that people who have rheumatoid arthritis receive the annual vaccination for respiratory influenza, also known as the flu shot. Since I posted the original entry, I have heard from several people who are on similar meds and say they’ve been told no. Unlike the pneumonia vaccine, the shingles vaccine contains live virus, so it's not recommended for people taking certain types of rheumatoid arthritis medications.Talk to your doctor about which vaccinations might be appropriate for you, and when during the course of your treatment is the best time to receive them.Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. If you have any questions, I encourage you to spend some time on the site. I also received an email from a Red Cross Medical Officer, who informed me that a diagnosis of RA or SLE on its own would not prohibit someone from donating blood. A lot of doctors don’t say anything about the diet, but I noticed that certain foods can make your condition better and some can … All rights reserved. Findings from a physical exam , blood tests , and X-rays all help distinguish between, or confirm the co-existence of, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Advertising revenue supports our not-for-profit mission.Check out these best-sellers and special offers on books and newsletters from Mayo Clinic. Can I donate blood? While rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects tissue lining your joints, it can also affect your lungs, heart, kidneys and eyes.Rheumatoid arthritis medications work by suppressing your immune system. Mayo Clinic does not endorse any of the third party products and services advertised.A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. But about the training, first (after 4 years of med school) we have to do 3 years of an internal medicine residency. I had never heard such a thing and got to work emailing the Red Cross and searching the website. But they can help your doctor steer toward a diagnosis. If you have a medical condition, or a question about whether you can give blood, you should check the health & eligibility and travel section before you book an appointment. Plant-based diets rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and low in saturated fats, sodium and processed foods — basically a Mediterranean diet — might help reduce symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Like the patient mentioned above, I too have been told that I cannot donate blood due to my diagnosis. But if you have a weakened immune system, you should avoid vaccines that contain live viruses. Blood tests … The bloodbank closest to me permanently defers everyone with RA. However, I could go to Seattle and donate without a problem (they checked all my meds).Thanks for the info. Blood tests don’t provide a simple yes-or-no answer to whether you have RA. We then do 2 or more years of a rheumatology fellowship at a university. So which are the top 13 foods to avoid with rheumatoid arthritis? Recently a patient told me she was disqualified from donating blood due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. But if you have a weakened immune system, you should avoid vaccines that contain live viruses. For an an example, one rheumatologist feels that symptomatic swelling around the joint isn’t necessary for a diagnosis of RA, while another won’t diagnose RA if there isn’t swelling along with pain and stiffness. Vaccinations can help prevent some of these infections.An autoimmune disease, rheumatoid arthritis occurs when your immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissue. And if you need to cancel your appointment please give us 3 days' notice so that we can offer the space to another donor. I hope you’ll answer my question; I’m very curious.That’s a really hard question to answer without having all the info about a patient and seeing him/her in person. I never questioned it, my fault I guess, but I figured if they were turning down blood they must have a good, medically sound reason. I wonder if that has since changed here.At least on the red cross website, I did not see MTX on that list. You have to stay away from lots of stuff when you have RA, simply because they could worsen your condition. An unwanted side effect of this suppression, though, is an increased risk of infection — particularly in the lungs.Vaccinations can help lower your risk of infection.