I've never seen it precipitate so I've never thought twice about it.Hi, I am just wondering about new2er's dosages, where I work Haldol10Ativan2 is a 3ml injection, we give Benadryl separately just to avoid going over 3ml. GEODON for Injection (ziprasidone mesylate) should only be administered by intramuscular injection and should not be administered intravenously. IV Drug Compatibility Chart A Alteplase (Activase, rTPA) Amiodarone (Cordarone) Argatroban Atropine Calcium chloride Diltiazem (Cardizem) Dobutamine (Dobutrex) Dopamine Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Esmolol (Brevibloc) Furosemide (Lasix) Heparin Insulin (regular) Lidocaine (Xylocaine) Lorazepam (Ativan) Magnesium Sulfate Single-dose vials require reconstitution prior to administration. We use a ton of Geodon IM where I work and it works EXTREMELY well in fact on my floor we refer to it as Vitamin G lol We also occasionally use Abilify and Zyprexa IM Anyone else use Geodon IM where they work? I have been on Wellbutrin off and on for 10 years, on Cymbalta for 4-5 years and Geodon for 4 years. It seems like the last time I was on 40 mg, I also had anxiety and obsessive … )��g�ϡ�G"��a�1�y���ۯ�v_��� 9T��яݶj ��@��g�wNQ˞��3w�Nw�;���>^vo/~��"9��M���8#��/�9�Us1W]�B����Djb������Cǟ^�b��],ބ`#B� �{����O��`������j�����ß���r��P5��s����n��t8��Aϗ�O�?�wh#�~���>����~������*�;ħ�wa��۴iUԟ�?Usl�����Du����������J9���a���؉�l�}��_��ʵ�t����i�=,:V�xcLj{��JtXn֡V]y��j��{y�q���7X:l���y�KTT��A����¡tP����w�����;`7��NH�6y��;�~L���L�5�I�@߰TEz��0 kQ�A�a[T��ԃ^�� pM�(�Oi��=�0-�ґ.��O ݠ�4���^�>��r�~�S���pJ�T������9׶c���f���&�7Ñvp�x��H��y�ϔ������>�B6#�I'�i8�g�mS����J|�SL@��j�A�&��zU��5䓉�Ν���DgF� �P!-�1��P�ɐ��D}t�C2�D}�T�"���6D�FC>�.tD}� �PL��x�����4v[� ��d�V��+V����!ӌ�0�Ř�\ReE�ձ6�C�D�FD� At my facility we use Thorazine, Haldol, Benadryl, Ativan and Cogentin IM. no its not good to mix any drugs together in a syringe inless its in a IV bag mixed by a professional but. At my current job we generally use Haldol 5, Ativan 2, and Benadryl 50. No. Within the study, low prevalence of smoking and moderate generic tramadol or high level of … endstream endobj 14 0 obj <>stream Haldol and Ativan can be mixed as long as the solution is given soon after mixing. avinza. Specializes in Inpatient Mental Health. Care should be taken to avoid injection into small veins and intra-arterial injection. Thorazine can be combined with Benadryl or Cogentin. Our pharmacy gave us a handout of medications that can and cannot be mixed.it's posted in the med room..Ativan can't be mixed with anything. So helpful. Our pharmacists are wonderful!!! The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. Geodon is usually Thorazine can be combined with Benadryl or Cogentin I've been putting haldol, benadryl and ativan in the same syringe for the entire time I've been working this specialty. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Recently, my psychiatrist bumped me up to 40 mg again. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. • Drugs in Syringe Compatibility • Y-Site Injection Compatibility (1:1 Mixture) Additionally, in some cases one brand of product may be compatible but another brand of drug is not. When I'm not sure about mixing something I always call the pharmacy. If our patients don't have a history of dystonia we don't use either one. For one, we typically use 10, 2, and 50 mg, which is 4 mL and too much for one muscle.And for two, Benadryl never gets mixed with Haldol in the same syringe: precipitate forms in about 5 minutes. �c{����Ie�Ǐ��#�i�(#����m�FH�LZ���.�a_����k:qiP+��@�%F-��|���O��ט��K �◕t� ��`�F+n\#��o��a�[�AI�γE��tԭ��͘�8C0�̉}�|ܠ�p�tܲ{� ���,ݠy/���~Ը(��&�ل�K`�Ǟ�^0t ���B袥KX��B�M]���.ۺ&Y�ل�K`mzׄ�K`�� ��'� �| Benadryl and ativan (lorazepam) have not. Fast Shipping To USA, Canada and Worldwide. Hi, I am just wondering about new2er's dosages, where I work Haldol10Ativan2 is a 3ml injection, we give Benadryl separately just to avoid going over 3ml. ^� Specializes in Psychiatric Nursing. I know this is an old blog, but we call that a B52, and we mix it all! We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site.