It may save you a lot of unneeded agony.The Stoner Mom and how I got myself off Wellbutrin and Zoloft with CBD.How can I view your article? I'd also like you to meet Wondering how the venlafaxine has gone for you and if you'd share more about why you hope to taper off of it at this point? No more brain zaps cognitive issues. It's so hard dealing with the withdrawal symptoms, I'm trying to tell myself that this is a temporary thing and it'll be worth it in the end. That’s the only medication I’m on. How much CBD to take for benzo withdrawals; What kind of CBD to take for benzo withdrawals Let's start with the pathway that benzo's use for anxiety. After doing more research, I realize how I’ve change so much from someone with a lust for life, to someone who hates crowds, dreads social events and just wants to stay home in my pajamas. Antidepressants, on the other hand, have been around for decades and have established themselves as first-line treatment options for many mental health conditions. Exercise caution if you plan to drive or operate machinery while using the two together and give yourself time to see how your body reacts and whether or not you may need to adjust your doses. My doc is a very good person and just said I should stay on it. My doc is a very good person and just said I should stay on it. She did give me a few months of refills. The reason I want off of it is because I don’t feel I’m living my life like I used to. I'm at .125 clonazepam a day. I’ve tried doing it before slowly and was taking one pill every three days. Many individuals have found that using CBD oil has elevated their mood, relieved anxious tension, and helped them relax and sleep more easily. Based on my research so far: It’s safe to take CBD oil with Venlafaxine (sold as Effexor) or any other SNRI antidepressants This is the opposite of who I was before I started taking meds I’ve been on Effexor for two years. After doing more research, I realize how I’ve change so much from someone with a lust for life, to someone who hates crowds, dreads social events and just wants to stay home in my pajamas. It helped, a little, but my goal was to get completely off of Effexor so I'm trying again. I am thinking 37.5 mg in the AM and PM. I am one of the people Lisa suggested...""I am happy I found this forum. You can read an in depth analysis of how CBD oil combats depression and anxiety in the brain Research into the mental health effectiveness of CBD oil is still being conducted. As well as its’ host of other health benefits, CBD oil has been shown to relieve anxiety, encourage relaxation, and improve mood. The symptoms were too much, so I quit trying to wean completely off of the Effexor, and was taking the 75mg of that and 150mg of Wellbutrin. This article will explore reactions between CBD and Effexor and what patients can expect if looking to supplement or replace Effexor with CBD.Effexor, also known as Venlafaxine, is a common medication prescribed for nerve pain, anxiety, and depression. Studies have shown that cannabidiol has helped with withdrawal symptoms from THC heavy cannabis, cigarette use, and morphine. If I use CBD oil to stop my horrible panic in withdrawal will the oil in the end hurt me? Any advice for the symptoms? Wanting to get up and be social but then I don’t. Don’t give up. As I said, I am in NO rush to complete this process.Please review her story. Effexor patients supplementing the drug with CBD oil tend to notice less anxiety and an elevated mood. Understanding CBD Oil and Antidepressants. And now my goal is to get off of the Effexor and Wellbutrin completely and try something natural like CBD oil. There is no definitive reason as to why CBD oil doesn’t cause withdrawal symptoms after you decide to stop taking it, but it may be because of how different CBD hemp oil is from other medications. Asked 2 Mar 2018 by Ericadawn22 Updated 20 October 2018 Topics anxiety, benzodiazepine withdrawal, panic disorder, berylliosis, clonazepam, withdrawal, benzodiazepines. After having my son last year, I had really bad postpartum. CBD oil is beneficial is the correct doses. Thank youIf you click on VIEW & REPLY in your email notification, you will see the whole discussion and can join in, meet, and participate with other members talking about their experiences.Please review her story. I am on Effexor 150...""Please review her story. To date, there have been no serious life-threatening interactions between the two substances. I work in a drug rehab and I get the job done. With CBD and the help of a medical professional, many patients prescribed medications like Effexor are finding easier and more reliable treatment. Thank youI am happy I found this forum. Whatever you do, you have to do this slowly or the damage can be permanent!Please review this article. Expressing an interest in using CBD oil in your treatment to your doctor is recommended to guarantee the best results.Other patients have looked to CBD as a supplement for their current medication plan. I’m still pleasant it’s just the psychical parts I’m dealing with.I'd suggest talking to your doctor about your wishes to wean off of this medication to get a tapering schedule and to get some input on utilizing CBD oil in this process.