You want to make sure you stick to foods and activities that can increase your chances of conception, and avoid the things that can potentially get in the way. You should take your pills at the same time each day. But it’s not perfect, and there’s still a slight chance you could get pregnant — especially if you miss a dose or two. Rifampin does decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills in preventing ovulation, but this antibiotic isn't widely used today. Once you get into your late 30s and 40s, you might think your chances of getting pregnant are too low to worry about. Your chances of getting pregnant while taking most types of antibiotics are no higher than the normal failure rate of birth control, which is 6 to 9%. 0 0. lorenzo. Lv 4. This means that less than 1 out … The best person to help you figure out the best birth control for you is your doctor. A healthy, 30-year-old woman has only a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Studies have found that certain antibiotics can interfere with the effectiveness of hormone regulating birth control pills, explained Love To Know contributor Dr. Vilma Ruddock, but there is … Studies have found that certain antibiotics can interfere with the effectiveness of hormone regulating birth control pills, explained Love To Know contributor Dr. Vilma Ruddock, but there is If you are trying to conceive while on antibiotics, there are a few things to keep in mind. Antibiotic therapy may help re-establish the well-being of the reproductive system which may have been weakened by a bacterial infection.The use of certain antibiotics and cold drugs may pose a risk in case a woman becomes pregnant and is not aware of it yet. This is usually the first Sunday after your menstrual cycle starts or the first day of your menstrual cycle. Not every woman is a good candidate for every type of birth control pill. Normally, the acid balance of the vagina keeps this fungus from multiplying. If you’ve ever taken birth control pills and antibiotics at the same time, you may have been told that antibiotics make the pills less effective. In other words, your birth control becomes less effective. Birth control pills are supposed to prevent you from getting pregnant, but they’re not 100% effective. ... My best friend got pregnant even though she was on birth control because she took antibiotics. This drug is used to treat tuberculosis and other bacterial infections. When evaluating any illness or sickness you come across, your doctor will know your situation, and can possibly check to see if you are pregnant and prescribe you antibiotics accordingly. Taking powerful antibiotics during pregnancy can cause developmental defects in the growing foetus or may lead to the termination of the pregnancy itself. Yeast infections are caused by a common fungus called Candida. All rights reserved. Other options include:When it comes to birth control pills, the options can be confusing. So,In an interview with Romper, fertility expert Dr. Jennifer Hirshfeld-Cytron, Director of Fertility Preservation with However, Dr. Edward Marut, also a fertility expert at Fertility Centers Of Illinois, adds that certain chronic illnesses can interfere with ovulation. Birth control pills are just one of many birth control options. If you use at least one of these methods, and you follow it perfectly, there’s less than a 5% chance you’ll get pregnant. “Any systemic illness can disrupt the normal ovulation cycle,” he explains, “and therefore decrease odds of conception for that cycle.” Chronic illnesses like Antibiotics have been known to interact with specific drugs, even ones that regulate your menstrual cycle, which is why some people may assume they interfere with the chances of conception. “Any systemic illness can disrupt the normal ovulation cycle,” he explains, “and therefore decrease odds of conception for that cycle.” Chronic illnesses like Antibiotics have been known to interact with specific drugs, even ones that regulate your menstrual cycle, which is why some people may assume they interfere with the chances of conception. What are the chances of getting pregnant if your on birth control and antibiotics? 4 years ago. It’s normal for it to take a few months or longer. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and should not be construed as a substitute for advice from a medical professional or health care provider.