C Liu and others. Sometimes late side effects develop months or years after chemotherapy. Steroids and other drugs used to manage other treatment side effects can also affect your eyes. You might want to switch to eye glasses during treatment to reduce eye discomfort caused by chemo. Why side effects occur. They may recommend painkillers or a special mouthwash that can help.Avoiding spicy, salty or sharp foods can also help.Laser therapy, where low-levels lasers are used to stimulate healing, have proved effective in treating or preventing mucositis. The most common ocular side effects include clogged tear ducts; blurry vision; dry, red, itchy or watery eyes; conjunctivitis (or pink eye); eye pain; and general discomfort.In rare cases, ocular side effects can be severe, disabling and irreversible. Cataracts, for example, are routinely surgically removed and replaced with artificial lenses. Eye problems can occur for a variety of reasons. It's natural to feel anxious and to wonder if your treatment will be successful.Stress and anxiety can also increase your risk of getting Speak to your care team if you're struggling to cope emotionally. The idea of any change to cancer treatment might be intimidating for patients, Massaro- Giordano says, but they should disclose these symptoms to their physicians anyway. However, an ongoing eye problem presents a daily reminder of her diagnosis and years of treatment.“Shortly after I started chemotherapy treatment, my eyes started tearing 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” explains Choate, 60, a contributing essayist for Choate’s experience is not unique. You may find that routines tasks take much longer than usual.It's unclear why this happens, but the symptoms usually improve once treatment is finished.Things such as using lists, post-it notes, calendars and your mobile phone for reminders can help. Synthetic wigs are available free of charge on the NHS for some people, but you'll usually have to pay for a wig made from real hair.Other options include headwear, such as a headscarf.It may be possible to reduce the chances of hair loss by wearing a cold cap while you're having chemotherapy.A cold cap looks like a bicycle helmet and is designed to cool your scalp during a treatment session. Some problems might be eased by simple measures: eyelid massage, steroid/ antibiotic combinations, ice packs, artificial tears, warm compresses and electing not to wear contact lenses. In addition, many of the eye-related side effects of chemotherapy or hormonal agents can be treated or reversed by stopping the drug that is causing them, or adjusting its dose. Specialized tests (visual field and optical coherence tomography) and pictures will measure overall function of the retina and optic nerve.“Even before you start treatment, it is a good idea to consult with an ophthalmologist for baseline measurements and close monitoring,” Massaro-Giordano says.Ideally, she continues, patients should have their eyes examined every three to 12 months, depending on the aggressiveness of their treatment, or every 12 months if there are no known side effects.Patients should come to each visit prepared to discuss their type and stage of cancer, as well as what therapies they are taking and at what dosages, Gombos says.“The bottom line is that some patients will think, ‘My eye is not a priority. prednisone and tamoxifen (in very rare cases) may contribute to the development
This is often temporary, but it can be permanent in some cases.Before starting treatment, ask your care team whether your fertility may be affected. Ocular complications include acquisition of the donor’s allergic disorders, lost pigmentation in the eyebrows or lashes, lost eyelashes and a variety of issues related to the cornea, or the front of the eye. They may also suggest you see an ophthalmologist during treatment to help preserve your eye health.Cancer treatment can also make your eyes sensitive to light or make it more difficult for you to see at night. Each cancer treatment works differently, so each can affect eye health differently. You may worry about the side effects of chemotherapy. In fact, a 2013 study demonstrated that most cases of eye tearing due to Taxotere are not due to blocked ducts and eventually resolve on their own.Many chemotherapy regimens also include a steroid. Still, some side effects may take several months or longer to go away completely. In some cases, anti-cancer medications and medications used to reduce side effects may contribute to the development of some eye problems. Depending on your cancer treatment, you can experience a variety of eye issues, known as ocular or neuro-ophthalmic side effects. M Bhatti and A Salama. A structure that is normally clear becomes opaque,” Massaro-Giordano says. When you and your doctor are deciding on a chemotherapy regimen, weighing the benefits versus the side effects is part of the process. When we think of chemotherapy side effects, we think about nausea, fatigue and low blood counts.