After bringing to the boil and simmering for 15 minutes, I let the syrup cool, drained off the leaves, and poured the sweet, spicy syrup in a glass jar. I’m madly in love with it now. Compost, fertilizer, mulch… it loves it all. Like any fresh herb, you have to store cinnamon basil correctly for it to last and so that it can provide its flavor when you need to use it. Learn more about herbs by watching the video below! Traditional sweet basil works well, but you can play around with other varieties like lime or cinnamon basil. Be sure to pinch off the flowers as they form. I like to include it in edible bouquets. Instead, pair basil with your tomato and pepper plants. Preventing the flowers from growing will not only encourage your plant to produce more yummy leaves, but will keep it alive longer.It’s almost impossible to overfeed basil plants. Its similarity to regular basil makes it great in savory salads. Grow; Post navigation. I found it at the farmers market while I was looking for cilantro and bought it because the sign next to it said that it is great in cocktails.Cinnamon basil has smaller, darker leaves than regular basil, and purple flower pods. The soil should be moist but not wet, as the basil will just keep drinking past the point of health.Because basil is such a strong grower, it’s best to keep it away from other herbs in your garden—herbs like rosemary, thyme and others can be overwhelmed. It’s best to start by mixing these varieties with sweet basil until you know how the flavors will affect your favorite recipes.Dried basil is an option for long-term storage, of course. I will have to see if I can hunt some down and give it a try.It’s delicious! This cocktail is smooth, sweet, and subtly spicy. I’ll have to figure out where to buy this cinnamon basil. Cinnamon Basil: How to Harvest and Use Answered by: Yvonne Tremblay Question from: Chery Johnson Posted on: July 08, 2004 I am growing cinnamon basil and I want to know, when do you harvest the leaves? I should start growing it myself next summer.I just planted some cinnamon basil. Hazel is a writer and editor who has worked in the publishing industry for over 25 years in the fields of travel, jewelry arts and food. How we use this information It is frothy, creamy, and perfect for sipping in front of the fireplace. May 20, 2018 - Explore Bubbiepop101's board "Cinnamon Basil ", followed by 3613 people on Pinterest. I must also make this, it sounds delish and happy new job day!Thank you, Rezel! This cinnamon basil Japanese Cocktail to be exact. Grab your plaid blanket, a cocktail shaker, and light the fire. You can unsubscribe at any time.We will only use this information to send you our catalogue within 2 working days. Muddle it to make a version of a mojito or for a new twist on any other drink that might call for mint.If you are not a fan of alcoholic beverages, cinnamon basil makes a great tea. Methyl cinnamate gives it the distinctive warm cinnamon flavor that many find pleasant. I’m obsessed with anything spicy!I love spicy too! The Ancient Fruits Crate I never knew we had cinnamon basil, looks interesting to me.I love all the flavors in this cocktail, I can’t wait to give it a try! Disclaimer: this post contains Amazon affiliate links.Days are getting shorter and colder, so I thought we could all use something warm and delicious. Your request is then deleted and not saved anywhere. Congrats on the new job!Intriguing! I’m not a cinnamon fan, at all. ), and I’m tired.Don’t get me wrong. Whether you need only a few leaves to perk up a salad, like this But are you treating your basil right? This can last refrigerated for up to two weeks. Holy basil is best cooked (it can be bitter when raw), but purple basil is best raw as that pretty purple color turns black when cooked. How to make a Thai basil cocktail. Nov 22, 2013 - For your next holiday get-together, enjoy these three mouth watering holiday cocktail recipes with friends and loved ones. Drying concentrates the flavor of the herb, so you need less of it to produce the same flavor. Also do you have any recipes for this type of basil? When they are fully frozen, pop the cubes out and store them in freezer bags. I had been running around all day, and I just need to sit down, sip on something delicious, and not think about work for 30 minutes. You can unsubscribe at any time.We will use this information to add you to our mailing list to send you news, promotions and so on. This would be the perfect way to put some of that to use I hope you like the cocktail! Also, let me know if you find other uses for the basil. It's also a star player in bright, herbal cocktails, bringing a touch of greenery to rum slushies and fruity vodka sippers. So, I’m not ashamed to admit that after having dinner last night, I asked my husband to make me a cocktail. Place it in a food dehydrator or hang it in a location with moving air.If you don’t plan on storing it with one of the methods listed above, use it as soon as possible. This whiskey flip cocktail is like having someone give you a warm, boozy hug. It will gobble down everything available. It’s doesn’t really taste like cinnamon, but it does have a certain spiciness and warmth to it that is reminiscent of this spice.I couldn’t find much information on it except for this If you can’t find it, you could try using regular basil and just a tiny bit of cinnamon.The Japanese Cocktail is a classic cocktail that dates back to the 19th century.