FDA Indication: treatment of depression Click here to read more about citalopram. Being this young shouldn't suggest long term damage, but the pain tells me otherwise. Can a simply back issue be causing this diffuse numbness? My left leg has been hurting like a sharp pain with tingling and numbness off and on. I am forty five years old and was given a confirmed diagnosis of RRMS in 2009. I'm asking if you guys could give me some tips on how should i fix/improve my posture.I've been having a hard time with neck pain, I'm guessing in my C1-C2 region. Because of computer games and programming. Detailed Description: This eight-week study aims to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of escitalopram in improving symptoms of Major Depression in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as measured by the HAM-D. when I bend over my upper legs try to give out on me. I've been to the er and my primary who now wants me to see a neurologist yet i don't have insurance so it is hard. Since my dx I have been on one DMD, Rebif. I've had some anxiety and I think maybe its the cause any thoughts?Has anyone else had sciatica pain when pregnant or not? After it goes away, it returns 3-4 days later. it causes pain when this happens and it's hard for me to straighten my body up. I've had a small amount of back pain recently as well, but no real injuries/trauma that I can remember. My dr. I don't know what to do to help since Tylenol didn't help...I am having pressure in head feel weak like no energy and always feel empty even if i just ate. Medications will be dispensed weekly or biweekly and the participants will be followed for 8 weeks.Hamilton Depression Rating Scale-17 (HAM-D) is a 17-item observer rated scale that measures depressive symptoms. It's gotten to the point where I'll be lucky if one migraine only lasts 3 days. I have also had periods of dizziness. Or could a chiropractor/PT set things straight?I have a problem with something. Its not visible but it might be a contribution to the numbness in my leg? I was on it for a year and had to stop due to the side effects. I am forty five years old and was given a confirmed diagnosis of RRMS in 2009. I have a strong feeling that my menstrual cycle may play a part in this. But it's summer now, my elbows are much better, but I'm waking every night from numbness and tingling in left and right hands and right toes and heel. Does anyone else get thisĀ I have numbness in my left upper leg once a week, to the point where I cant feel anything when I touch the skin on my leg. I'm baffled because I'm only 23. An overall index score can be calculated from the means of the five sub-scales measuring quality of life from 0 (poor) to 10 (excellent).Keywords provided by Meera Narasimhan, University of South Carolina: You have reached the maximum number of saved studies (100).Please remove one or more studies before adding more.The purpose of this study is to see if escitalopram (Lexapro) improves symptoms of major depressive disorder in patients who have ALS or MS.This eight-week study aims to assess the effectiveness and tolerability of escitalopram in improving symptoms of Major Depression in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Multiple Sclerosis (MS) as measured by the HAM-D. It started as tingling in my lower face, but now much of my body has a slight numbness to it. I say this because I can literally hear my vertebrates grinding together followed by a sharp pain that runs all the way to my temple and the top of my head, which in turn is causing severe migraines and fatigue. "I have multiple sclerosis & the symptoms of diabetes are so similar how do I know if i'm a diabetic? Right now I am med free except for vitamin D supplements. It's gotten extremely worse over the past month. I feel numb above my ear (mastoid bone) as well as behind ear. I also have reduced sensation on the right side of my forehead and head. My ear feels full and the sensations I feel are strange. Is there any chance this is all permanent? No other psychotropic medications will be permitted during the study. In addition, the study will assess improvement in the quality of life in patients with Major Depression and ALS or MS.All patients will receive escitalopram 20 mg daily.After confirmation of diagnoses and safety screening escitalopram will be started at 10 mg per day and augmented weekly in 10 mg per day increments, the maximum dose being 20 mg per day.