Drinking grapefruit juice while taking sildenafil (Viagra) can increase the effects and side effects of sildenafil.Grapefruit can increase how much terfenadine (Seldane) that the body absorbs. What may be causing my issues will not be the same for someone else. Central and Obstructive. If it was affordable I would definitely take it again but I wonder why it seemed so inconsistent.Hi Cort, really excited to see you feature Nimodipine. In fact, when I did some yoga, I found it very easy to go into the zen. I may try nimodipine if the nutritional holistic approach doesn’t pan out. I also believe that part of improving comes from slowly improving this blood flow.Issie has improved her health too. How do you pinpoint it to a certain moment? )Making improving circulation the first step in the protocol was intriguing given how much interest has been generated in this area since Downing-Orr’s book was published. When it stops helping, I go off a few weeks to reset a lower dose to work.) I retired 3 years ago, probably have 70% normal function most days. She reports other problems related to calcium.I tried to link those two together. You can opt out at any time or find out more by reading our Different patients may see a different type of impact on their blood flow just like some healthy-ish people may be more prone to edema, some to low blood pressure and some to high blood pressure.The combination of different problems (like breathing, skeletal malformation, blood flow) and the different effects of each sub-problem (like edema / blood pooling, too low blood pressure, too high blood pressure, too few or much constriction)… make a one size fits all approach (near?) Grapefruit juice can decrease how quickly the body breaks down praziquantel (Biltricide). As i remember the author and pioneering physician was forced to leave his practice at some point and retired. There is better evidence for clomipramine’s superior effectiveness for refractory depression than for most other drugs. I figured out that it also works for hot flashes, so if I can cut down on Neurontin to around one capsule daily instead of ten, I save the price of this device after one and a half year. I stopped taking it a few months ago.Thanks for providing your experience Sadie. Don’t know if that is what I am smelling. So we move from GET and CBT to mental drugs? Within 5 days it brought my RBC, hematocrit, hemoglobin and platelets down to alarm levels on a standard lab report and destroyed most of my WBCs, too. A person who has bipolar disorder tends to experience extreme highs (mania) and extreme lows (depression). And I still can expect to limp along after a difficult day–sigh.Cort. I dont know if this calcium channel blocker would work as well as my combination, but I’d like to try it. That would necessitate a tailored and well thought approach in order to not create havoc. I seem to be on the usual roller-coaster of good days and bad. I take any where from 25 to 50 mg, usually once at bed. It still is not an easy topic so I can do only that much.I rewrote the 3 last comments date “june 11” today. As far as I know, I dont have GERD. I have not experimented taking it at other times of the day yet. Good luck!I apologize. Goal orientation, purposeful meaning, and problem solving have become cornerstones to my combative approach. It actually helps with my diarrhea believe it or not! When combined, certain drugs, medications, substances or toxins may react The list below is incomplete and various other drugs or substances may cause your symptoms. Things I use have calcium channel blocking properties. [moot-forum] Csiripek. My grandfather once told me, “A body in motion stays in motion. The Bentyl was initially given to me for IBS. But dont do that type meditation. Always advise your doctor of any medications or treatments you are using, Fascinating approach. Another misdiagnosis possibility is that a particular medication or causing Mania. Drinking grapefruit juice while taking carvedilol (Coreg) might increase the effects and side effects of carvedilol (Coreg).Grapefruit juice might decrease how quickly the body gets rid of cisapride (Propulsid). When i sleep long hours (used to be 1,5 of sleep but now it’s ‘Comasleep’ … my eyes are very very puffy & eyelids are red. He has found it contributes to plaque. I haven’t tried the Nimodipine but I do supplement with L-Arginine to promote NO facilitation and vacillation. Since there is now alot of frown with RXing Tramadol. Patient is a UK registered trade mark.By using this site you agree to our use of cookies. For one thing, its medical approach is centered on a drug – Nimodipine or Nimotop – I had never heard associated with ME/CFS before.The fact that it was Dr. Kristina Downing-Orr, the author of “Beating Chronic Fatigue: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Complete Recovery”, recommending this drug seemed even more surprising. Guess it increased blood flow to the part of brain that is responsible for smelling.Are you taking the Gingko biloba and other supplements recommended. Consult a doctor or other health care professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. Clomipramine is quite an old medication and isn't used as much as it was, though it was originally hailed as a wonder drug. Note: there are indications many patients have elevated levels of lactic acid all day round indicating that they may have anaerobic functioning in the body at times and places (the brain) they should not have.