The APX5 is a solid favourite, offering a clean 2x scope without slowing down your ADS speed.The old favourite M4A1 has seen better days, with up-and-comers like the Grau and the M13 stealing much of its former thunder. But the fire rate really doesn’t need to be higher, and the recoil is very controllable if you give the Oden the right attachments. They are reliable, effective at any range, and the backbone of the vast majority of Warzone loadouts out there. If you’d seen previous versions of this guide, you’ll have seen me wax lyrical about this incredible LMG and how no one seems to realise how strong it really is. Try out this M4A1 class; you won’t be disappointed.The Oden is probably always going to be my favourite weapon in Warzone. The balancing out of the gun appears to be in the reload speed more than anything – and since I’m used to the reload times of LMGs, I really don’t see this as much of an issue.While I don’t quite see the AMAX toppling the Big Four above it anytime soon, it tramples the very respectable AK-47 by offering the same powerful damage profile but at a faster fire rate and with easier recoil. New games | Panels | Let's Plays | Industry Insight | Esports tournaments | Livestreams | Tabletop gaming | Exclusive merch | More! As Modern Warfare and Warzone Season 4 comes to a close, it's time … Rock Paper Shotgun and RPS are registered trade marks of ReedPop Limited. In Season 4 certain weapons have been nerfed or had their stats boosted to the point that the meta has almost completely changed. 50 Round Mags is no-brainer due to the speed with which you can run out of ammo with the M13, and the Commando Foregrip is there to help control that graudal horizontal recoil during extended sprays. It’s still a wonderful and powerful rifle; it just can no longer claim to be the undisputed champion of Assault Rifles in Warzone. The longer distance encounters and the higher health pools make the burst-fire nature of the FR feel really bad most of the time. Season 4 is set to release on June 3rd and tons of players are clamoring to get the top spot. ® © 2020. The damage and fire rate are also decent.Arctic .50 is probably the best Sniper Rifle in the game, with high fire rate and ease of control – at least easier comparing to other Snipers Rifles in-game.Regarding LMGs, the S36 is probably the best, with superior damage, fire rate, and lower recoil. There’s a lot to like about it on paper and on the battlefield; not least the fact that it hits as hard as an M4A1 but at nearly the same rate as the blisteringly fast M13.The RAM’s downfall is its recoil, which veers off quite drastically to the left – and bounces a fair amount between shots. Tagged with The 2x APX5 is probably my favourite scope for guns like this, allowing you to compete with snipers without sacrificing ADS speed – and finally we’ve gone for the TAC Laser to make us as speedy as possible, so we can keep those HDR and AX-50 users from taking their shots.Even with its recent nerf, the Grau is not going to be dropping off the top tier of Warzone weapons anytime soon. There are quite a few of them to choose from, each with their own unique strengths. The first steps are easy: remove that awful optic glint (which, incidentally, is true of even the stock HDR optic) with the crisp and clean VLK 3.0x; and add a Monolithic for added suppression and range. The only reason I place the Grau higher than the FAL in this list is because I personally prefer my Assault Rifle to be fully automatic.The downside? It’s quick, powerful, and reliable, as long as you can handle its decidedly No barrel again; just the Monolithic Suppressor to keep us off the map and give us a little range boost. The mines do not last for long, however – it is best that you place them as soon as possible.A fully automatic Grenade Launcher with absurd firepower – you can definitely take down multiple opponents with just one bullet. A lot of the professional players have gotten their loadouts set in Season 3 and are tearing up the field in all types of matches including tournaments. My brother and I used the Bruen before it was cool. But this time we’ve also opted for the largest possible magazine size. Even by the standards of SMGs in Warzone, the ISO is very close-quarters – which means you can either attempt to mitigate its range deficits as much as possible, or just lean into the extreme close quarters aspect and use a much more versatile secondary weapon to make up for it.Here we’re trying to leverage the main selling points of the ISO to make it as worthwhile to use as possible – that is, the integrated suppressor and the extremely fast reload times. One benefit of this particular setup is that you can get it really early on in terms of unlock levels (minus the 30 Round Mags – but then the next best thing, the 25 Round Mags, can be picked up at Level 13). Call of Duty: Warzone Best Loadouts - Grau 5.56 I’ve also gone for the Merc Foregrip rather than the Operator Foregrip, not just for the improved hipfire accuracy but also because the Merc Foregrip, it turns out, has a startlingly positive effect on vertical recoil control. Call of Duty: Best FAL Loadouts for Modern Warfare and Warzone.