And you only need one small tablet a day to achieve this result! Glucosamine was first prepared by Georg Ledderhose in 1876. Mestanza-Peralta, C.A. Please note: comment moderation is enabled and may delay your comment. 2013 Aug 28;19(32):5381-4. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v19.i32.5381.7. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) You should know, there are options available other than prescription medications or surgery to address joint pain.For example, two natural supplements that have been shown in studies to help alleviate the joint discomfort are glucosamine and Which sets up the question, collagen vs. glucosamine?What's nice, too, is collagen can offer other potential benefits such as thicker hair, less wrinkles, better gut health, stronger arteries, bigger muscles and weight loss.Since both are good supplements to look at for joint health, how do we decide between collagen vs. glucosamine? Dr Amita Fotedar is an experienced Research Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in elite Research Institutes like United Nations Development Programme, Istanbul, Turkey, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India and International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Srilanka. Associations between glucosamine and chondroitin supplement use and biomarkers of systemic inflammation. It is also beneficial to address several other inflammatory diseases.It is a protein that is found in mammals. Collagen makes up (by dry weight):90 percent of the sclera (the white part of your eye)Glucosamine is an element mostly available in the bone cartilage in the body. Curr Med Res Opin 2016;32:997–1004. Although the research mentioned here is important, more studies are needed to provide additional evidence of the benefits of taking collagen supplements.In general, there are no significant known side effects from taking collagen supplements in the recommended amounts.Because collagen is generally safe, many researchers and physicians support their patients trying collagen supplements first as opposed to prescription medications that tend to have significant side effects.If you do experience any of these side effects, stop taking the supplement for a couple of weeks.Then, re-introduce the collagen into your system slowly and build up to the recommended dosage.Either way, you'll want to consult with your physician before starting any new supplement.As you can see, there are benefits to both collagen and glucosamine to help relieve joint discomfort.To that end, in an effort to give consumers the best of all worlds, many collagen products contain both collagen Type II However, beware that glucosamine may give you more side effects than collagen. 6. Cerda C, Bruguera M, Parés A. Hepatotoxicity associated with glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate in patients with chronic liver disease. Therefore, combining these two into one product might make it difficult to determine which is problematic for you.We hope the information in this article shows you that both glucosamine and collagen are shown to be effective in maintaining healthy joints and reducing joint pain.Therefore, the answer to collagen vs. glucosamine is both can be helpful in relieving joint pain due to arthritis.Furthermore, potential side effects of collagen appear to be less than glucosamine.For your consideration, collagen is also useful for more than joint health. Int Orthop. Vallejo-Flores, S.V. The scant relevance of this substance in percentage terms in the chemical composition of the cartilage (this is composed of 67% of collagen and only 1% of glucosamine) could be the argument to explain this apparent contradiction, with glucosamine being a substance of relevance quantitative only in the synovial fluid. Collagen hydrolysate ... UC-II 40 mg daily vs combination of glucosamine and chondroitin, 90 days. Alternatively, there are natural and generally safe supplements you can add to your daily routine that may also lessen inflammation, stop the deterioration of cartilage and reduce pain.Let's dig in and learn more about the two most popular supplements for joint health and answer the question, collagen vs. glucosamine?It is extracted from shellfish and can be synthetically made in labs as well.The scientific community has studied the effectiveness of glucosamine on joint health for many years.When treating osteoarthritis, in general, physicians seek to reduce pain, stop further deterioration of cartilage and delay surgery.These studies do help to answer the question collagen vs. glucosamine.If you choose to take glucosamine to relieve joint pain or reduce inflammation, you will want to consider if there may have a negative effect on your liver.For some, a liver condition could be the deciding factor collagen vs. glucosamine.When taken in suggested amounts, glucosamine is generally safe.However, be aware that some people may experience these types of side affects from glucosamine sulfate:Glucosamine might also worsen asthma, blood sugar levels, liver and clotting abilities.If you are scheduled for elective surgery, your doctor will probably advise to discontinue taking glucosamine two weeks prior.In general, using collagen to help with joint pain is based on helping to preserve the cartilage you already have.