I thought it was a virus or something. Hello, I had an anxiety episode at the start of this year and started fluoxetine 20mg. But I believe I’ll be off altogether and end up just fine, even after 20 plus years on it. If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately. The side effects are absolutely awful. They would never tell them that. But unfortunately I will recall this summer for other, less glorious, reasons. !Hi Josie, those headaches you are describing are similar to what I’m going through. shows how strong these tiny sized pills are! I do not have any cofidence anymore in the medical profession and I know that if I go and see my doctor, then he will want to put me back on Sertraline.Hello I seen your post and was wondering if you could help me get off sertralineThirteen weeks since I stopped taking sertreline and during these weeks I experienced changes,. I’m coming off of 200mg of Zoloft and 75mg Wellbutrin. I just knew Setraline wasn’t suited to me. I started with 50mg and have no gone up to 100mg. It helped me tremendously at the time. All this has caused me paranoia, upset and so much frustration. My parents treated me like a hypochondriac and I had lost all credibility in their eyes. After a mere ten minute chat the psychiatrist, a young and friendly, certainly well-meaning man, opened his DSM-IV and labeled me then and there, changing the course of my life in the fraction of a second. Ten days after her second failure a specialist and a scan announced Stage 4 with liver metastases. I have thought that my pounding heart means I’m about to die, at 39 and with so much to do still. Add message | Report | See all. She had two chances, a month apart. I’ve been on medication.fpr 40 years .back in the day when valium was used. Setraline is not a perfect drug but I often feel that the negativity many are experiencing with the medication is due to poor medical advice by physicians on the duration it takes to actually work and the associated period the tapering process should take. Really great people. I had to do my own research to diagnose myself. At first I thought they worked, helped with the night sweats but never with the no sleeping. The brain zaps are continuous, not stopping all day. But it would be so great to build a network of sympathetic GPs.An excellent idea, Sally ….. “build a network of sympathetic GPs”I recently went to my GP and told her the shocking information I’d discovered about SSRIs and Seroquel and that I was absolutely certain that the reason for my hospital admission (to an horrific, locked mental health ward last year and ‘bi-polar 2’ diagnosis) was due to my adverse reaction to the Sertraline she’d prescribed just a few weeks before my admission during which time she doubled the dose as I was getting so much worse! At this time I hadn’t pieced together that it might be the withdrawal symptoms, so I passed it off as a rate occurance.Then four days ago I started feeling a tingle in my lower face, particularly around my mouth. ?I have been prescribed sertraline for stress. I would be extremely greatdull for some advice as I don’t think I can go on like this for long periods. Remember, Ebola symptoms start as a cold, then makes you feel a bit fluish and drowsy, then shuts down your organs. I thought my symptoms were from a car accident, but maybe I was withdrawing from Paxil. I take BrainMD’s Neurolink and their Focus and Energy supplements. Only taking 50mg now. The amount of symptoms is crazy, I’m now at a stage where I have extreme anxiety and horrendous stomach issues, last week it was depressive thoughts and migraines! We were never really alone, although we believed we were. It’s been about 2 months since i tapered off of Sertraline. Then I became convinced I had cancer, although again there is no evidence I can find. I was sleeping 12/13 hours a day. Anyway, back to the main point – sympathetic GPs – we must work out how to recruit and form a network – maybe I’ll have a word with my GP and get her thoughts and comments (‘cos I reckon she owes me! Thank you so much for validating my experience. Every day I was fighting the intense suicidal thoughts and horrendous physical and emotional pain. I am also suffering and hopefully will start to recover now I am fully off sertraline.Thank you for taking time out to read my experience and for all your experiences it really does help to know you’re not alone.I am so glad to have found this. My daughter also started school which was a big thing for me as Iv spent every second of the day with her. I can relate because I imagine throwing myself in front of buses or from high buildings, thinking about the fastest ways to commit suicide among other very negative ideas. Thanks Catherine.Thanks to everyone as it’s helpful, at first I didn’t make the connection between this strange rage and sertraline, of course that I new something is awfully wrong with me. Sertraline… it was the suggestion of my wife ( who ’ s d is... Needed to know why my General Practitioner that these 2 tablets work well together fell down stairs as if can! 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