My hair texture changed. HMPF. – The typical store-bought brands are full of toxins. vitamins, shampoos, holistic medicine, eating clean, hormone replacement etc. I have to fill in the scalp as best I can using powder products for hair loss, but feel I can’t go on with this problem anymore, but the doctor doesn’t really see it as a real issue as it’s not life threatening, I am so at the end of my tether with it all All confidence has gone now.So many people posting here have described exactly the symptoms I’ve experienced for the last 5 years or so…terrible “burning” sensation in my scalp, which now has spread down my forehead & sometimes feels like it’s reaching to my eyelids, reddish-pink scalp, and severe hair loss. I thought although I am not a diabetic maybe I can give a diabetic drug a try. I went into work all smart and sleek with a cute little bun. I stopped and the heart problems slowly diminished.I also get the scalp pain, at the roots. I took ferrous sulfate 325mg 2x a day for over six months. I am 52. Yes, women can have low T as well, altho our levels are much lower than a mans they are needed as it helps with our estrogen/progesterone levels. Well, I pray often for my head as well as I ask the others to pray for me. I am still in pain and have hit year number 3 of chronic irritated sore greasy scalp. In the beginning it was so bad that I had to put an ice pack on my head to get relief. That and Fish oils, plus Cod liver oils are pretty important, and what we are usually always deficient in. So, if your hair is just beginning to thin, this may just work for you. Not only does mine hurt, but I have “acne like” bumps on my head and little hard skins you can pick off. God i wish i could find out what this is. i just want answers hope is fadingI’m so glad to have found this site with all your comments. I have tried putting oil on at night, and my scalp is still dry in the morning with greasy hair!I take multivitamins along with Iron and other supplements but it’s done no good.I have no idea what to do. I went to the doctor. : I forgot to tell u that i was taking ro-accutane for a month about hte age of 16, but i couldnt handle the side effects of dry lips and eyes,so i stopped.I’m New I have been doing a little research myself on what might be wrong with me. But once you develop sensitivity from PPD you are pretty much sensitive to everything. It happens for periods of time, then goes away. Also, for people with scalp pain and tenderness, go to a myofascial therapist. I was diagnosed with AU 4 years ago (having lost all my hair on my head/body over the course of 10 days – I then lost my nails). I’ll try tea tree oil, copaiba, mallow, horsetail, aloe and other astringent/antiseptics and moisturizers, a better diet and see a trichologist to hopefully discount a chronic disorder.A.M. Besides a color change I do not have flakes or scars or scabs etc. Good luck to all of you.I am new here but not alone. I hope they will find something wrong with my hormone then there is a hope. I am going to try some of the remedies that you listed! Give it a break for a few months then if you are desperate foil the color on and leave 1/2″ from the root. God Bless you.Bev if you dye your hair black / brown you are allergic to the ppd in hair dye there is no hair dye that doesn’t contain ppd. I do have a root canal which I swear is infected, although it doesn’t show up,on the X-ray. I had no idea what caused this and why it was sporadic, it would last for while then just disappear, last episode I had was this past July. I have a patch just to the left of my crown that is red,Hi Ladies. I became even more stressed. At this point I have a grooved scar from my forehead to my crown where hair follicles are missing. I have been using an organic conditioner with biotin by JASON. To them, it’s just, “Yep…sorry about the pain and hair loss. Its always in the same place. You hair loss may be temporary. This is a hard thing to go through, especially when you’re still young. Something else that I have found to be helpful to regrowth is to eat less fatty protein (meat) and eat more legumes in place of the meat.