It should only be used if the benefits outweigh the potential risk. 4 Stars. Do not give this medication to a person.Desmopressin acetate should not be used in animals that are prone to forming blood clots. Desmopressin acetate is a prescription drug and should be used according to your veterinarian’s directions. “A veterinarian might recommend their use to help loosen up the secretions that can clog a pet's nasal passages, although letting your dog spend some time in a steamy bathroom can have much the same effect,” she notes. Did it help their condition? This content is informational/educational and is not intended to treat or diagnose any disease or patient. In this instance it may be used by a veterinarian at the time of surgery. This includes most animals with underlying heart disease.Desmopressin acetate has not been studied in pregnant dogs or cats. Desmopressin Nasal Spray Description. Desmopressin acetate is a synthetic form of the hormone vasopressin. If doses other than these are required, the rhinal tube delivery system may be used. She has a master's degree in animal science from the University of Delaware and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1982. Desmopressin (Oral/Sublingual)(Oral,Sublingual) Reviews. Forney is an FEI veterinarian and an active member of the AAEP, AVMA, and AMWA.Some states restrict the information we may provide about controlled substances. If your vet prescribes it for your dog, follow their instructions closely.Here’s what you should know about the uses, dosage, and side effects of desmopressin for dogs.Desmopressin is a synthetic form of vasopressin. The compounded medications featured in this content have been prescribed and/or administered by prescribers who work with Wedgewood Pharmacy. Though the FDA has not approved it for veterinary use, vets can prescribe it safely and legally. Desmopressin can also be given as a subcutaneous injection. Give this medication to your pet exactly as your veterinarian prescribes. Animals that do not make enough vasopressin have a medical condition known as Central Diabetes Insipidus. Molecular formula: C 46 H 64 N 14 O 12 S 2 •C 2 H 4 O 2 •3H 2 O Desmopressin acetate is the treatment of choice for central diabetes insipidus in both dogs and cats. Desmopressin acetate is a synthetic analogue of the natural pituitary hormone 8-arginine vasopressin (ADH), an antidiuretic hormone affecting renal water conservation. Because there are a number of different causes of increased water consumption and increased urine production, desmopressin acetate can also be used to help make a diagnosis. The dose is 1 to 2 mcg per dog for central diabetes insipidus. The drug is only available through a prescription. It is chemically defined as follows: Molecular weight: 1183.34. If you miss giving your pet a dose of desmopressin acetate, give the next dose as soon as you remember or, if it is close to the next scheduled dose, return to the regular schedule. Desmopressin is a member of the antidiuretic hormones drug class and is commonly used for Diabetes Insipidus, Hemophilia A, Nocturia, and others. Be sure to review with your veterinarian any medications or supplements your pet may be receiving.The following drugs may increase the effects of desmopressin acetate: fludrocortisone, chlorproamide and urea.If you suspect your pet or another animal was overdosed accidentally or has eaten this medication inadvertently, contact your veterinarian or the If you or someone else has accidentally ingested this medication call the Different strengths or dosage forms of desmopressin acetate may have different storage requirements. It replaces the hormone to help regulate the kidneys and control the amount of water the body retains.A secondary effect of the drug is that it can cause a short-term increase in blood clotting. For this reason, vets sometimes prescribe it to treat von Willebrand’s disease, a genetic disorder that prevents blood from clotting.The drug is available in tablet form, though it’s less common for dogs to take it orally.