Some quick online searches reveal many women discussing how a simple massage has smoothed out their cellulite. Research has identified massaging affected areas can be one of the most effective methods to reduce cellulite . Cellulite is a very common problem that many women experience during their lifetime regardless of their age, ethnicity, or physical fitness level. Trends Search in title Most massage options are based on the idea that massaging the problem area will boost blood flow and help with fluid buildup. Tattoo Removal Rhinoplasty Researchers are studying p… Tips and Tricks In fact, cellulite, also known as "orange peel skin", has been found to affect between 80% and 90% of women. New Studies Brow Lift Makeovers Anti-Aging Trends Facelift Cellulite massages apply great pressure to areas of the skin affected by cellulite. Food & Nutrition Differences in the amount or the quality of the fat or connective tissues dictate whether such puckering effect is pronounced. That said, don’t give up hope because there are ways to improve skin appearance and make cellulite fade. Q&A Skin Cancer Plastic Surgery One of the common questions we get from patients revolves around the efficacy of cellulite massages. Does anti cellulite massage work for all cellulite or only certain types of cellulite? Do Cellulite Massagers Work? Articles posted under WD staff are authored through combined contributions from our entire team, including Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists, Aestheticians, Physician Assistants, Aesthetic Nurses, and Patient Coordinators. Cellulite Massagers: Cost, Risks, and Efficacy. A united group of skin care specialists from Westlake Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery, Austin's leader in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery. Events New Studies Most of these treatments don't live up to their claims. Search in title The theory is that the deep massage will break up the connective tissue that causes dimples. Vein Treatments While not at all harmful to one’s health, the appearance of cellulite may instill a negative body image.There are many ineffective cellulite products or treatments which falsely tout their power to eliminate cellulite. WD Spotlight Despite cellulite being so normal, our increasing beauty standards mean many women are willing to do almost anything to help combat it. Search in posts Hair Loss Cellulite is a term for lumpy, dimpled flesh on the thighs, hips, buttocks and abdomen. Fashion Makeup Press Releases All rights reserved. Announcements Does cellulite massage work? New Treatments The most affordable cellulite massagers are manual, handheld, non-electronic tools that you massage around areas you wish to be treated. Tummy Tuck Makeovers Eyelid Surgery Brow Lift Unfortunately, rarely do they work. How does a massage work to treat cellulite? Hyperhidrosis CoolSculpting Laser Hair Removal Plastic Surgery Rhinoplasty Events Cellulite massagers can range in price from as low as $10 to as much as $150. Cellulite appears as a dimpled or cratered appearance on the skin and usually occurs on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. Vein Treatments