“There may be little windows of time to restrict activity, maybe days three to five (after treatment). Is there anything else we should be doing to prolonge his life and give him the best quality of life possble? Today, 4 weeks later you would never know he has cancer….in remission…Thank you for this.My lab, 13 was diagnosed 1 month ago with cutaneouse epithelialtropic lymphoma. My wife and I are contributing this to age and size. His WBC count was very low. However, there is no magic pill or silver bullet, nothing that will guarantee that she will beat the lymphoma. When present, typical side effects include loss of appetite, vomiting and diarrhea. The specific medication or combination will depend on the type of cancer your dog has, as well as his overall health. As a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (Oncology), she is one of approximately 400 board-certified veterinary specialists in medical oncology in North America. Overall disease control for the 38 dogs that remained on protocol was 44 weeks which was not significantly shorter than dogs treated with VELCAP-L . I am an xray tech by background, so I made the decision to do chemo based on knowledge from people. What’s the next step? Understanding exactly what this treatment is and how it works, however, will ensure that you make the best decision for your dog. Insurance companies typically offer these policy options at an additional cost, which can vary widely.How chemotherapy is administered depends on the drug given. What’s involved? Unfortunately, this is also something that you will need to consider.We hope you have found this article about chemotherapy for dogs helpful.It isn’t nice to think about how we would handle the situation if our beloved pooch became ill due to cancer.But there are treatments out there which may help make your furry friends remaining time comfortable, even enjoyable, if they are administered appropriately.Have you had any experience with chemotherapy for dogs?Do you have any thoughts you would like to share? Lastly, some dogs may experience lethargy due to the treatments. A commonly referenced standard treatment for this type of cancer is the A least expensive option would be an approximately $30 charge per injection, Intile said, with costs rising into the thousands for more comprehensive treatments that require a duration of many months and/or more frequent injections. If it sounds like a lot, you’re right, it is.Typically, a dog with lymphoma lives only one (1!) For example, in the same forum, another dog owner shared that an oncologist price for chemotherapy is $4,000 for a tumor. Once you understand the scope of your dog’s disease and the treatment options, do the math. The exact cost of each visit will depend on what diagnostics, if any, need to be performed and the cost of the treatment. If you do accidentally ingest any of your dog’s medication, call your doctor, not your vet, who by law cannot dispense medical advice to people.Adding to your vet’s cancer arsenal of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy is another option: immunotherapy. But if you DO get the CHOP protocol, it would be reasonable to expect that your dog would live another 13 months.Dogs tolerate chemotherapy treatment so well that their life is considered good to great by most Guardians in my practice during the protocol and after the protocol (when they are in remission).Dogs with lymphoma treated with chemotherapy live longer and live well.So, yes I would treat my own dog for lymphoma with chemotherapy.