Ice Cream Adventures! Not at all adventurous!You don’t even have to go to a wacky ice cream museum to get chestnut ice cream/gelato if you’re there in the fall – it’s totally mainstream. The image Shrimp Ice Cream probably conjures up amongst most people probably comes closest to the actual taste. By: Theodore Coursen, Spring Editor April 18, 2016. With the importance of kelp and seaweed in Japanese cooking, you shouldn’t be too surprised to find ice cream flavored with kombu and wakame or sprinkled with powdered nori seaweed. Related Posts . These three, and 48 more wonderful Japanese ice cream flavours to choose from at Ice Cream City Ikebukuro in Sunshine City.Parents Beware! Feel free to provide more informationBy clicking on "Submit" below, you are certifying the following statements:I state that I have a good faith belief that use of the work(s) in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.I state that the information in this notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed, or an authorized agent for the owner.I give my permission to pass my contact information to the alleged infringing party. These three, and 48 more wonderful Japanese ice cream flavours to choose from at Ice Cream City Ikebukuro in Sunshine City. Japan gets a lot of crap for what many see as barbaric whaling practices. You Can Buy Eel Flavored Ice Cream in Japan. January 16, 2013 By icecreamscience 4 Comments [Total: 1 Average: 5 /5] A quick post about my ice cream adventures in Japan. When I'm not in Tokyo, I live in San Francisco. You HEART ice cream in all its incarnations, from ice cream cakes and ice cream sandwiches to ice cream sodas and, yes, even boozy ice cream cocktails. But in case you’re not there during the season, yes, they definitely had chestnut. Eel Ice Cream You can buy eel flavored ice cream in Japan. I … Arguably there’s no country that does pre-packaged ice cream better than Japan. Take a look at these weird Japanese flavors.Indian Curry was as adventurous as we could manage that day. There are actually two main ways to enjoy sweet potato ice cream here in Japan, and both are undeniably delicious. Surprisingly, the smooth taste is quite palatable, even if the thought of what's being eaten is not quite as tasty : Fish Ice Cream (Sanma Aisu) Something must smell fishy about ice cream flavored with saury, a saltwater fish popular in Japan...But there's no worries … Share via Email. Easily found around Kyoto, Tofu ice-cream tastes exactly like its counterpart – silky and smooth, but sweeter! Not the greatest tasting ice cream on earth, though. Some of these are Sweet Potato Ice Cream, Japan. I also host a travel site called The Tokyo Guide I Wish I'd Had, so if you're headed to Japan and want to check out the places I take my friends when they're in town, take a look!I know that it is wrong but I WANT THE EEL ICE CREAM.It would definitely be something to write home about! Share on Twitter. While its tingling taste makes a delightful addition to raw fish, wasabi's tangy flavour also makes for a surprisingly edible ice cream. Sushi gets its sting from the horseradish paste known in Japanese as wasabi. EEL ICE CREAM? Cactus Ice Cream Chicken Wing Ice Cream (Nagoya Tebasaki)Crab Ice Cream (Kani Aisu) Eel Ice Cream (Unagi Aisu)Fish Ice Cream (Sanma Aisu) Octopus Ice Cream (Taco Aisu)Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. About the Writer . Viper ice cream, anyone? Chicken wing ice cream, which apparently tastes like vanilla... and chicken wings. Hmm, I would like to eat one of those RIGHT NOW.Thank you for asking that question, because it made me realize that the link was pointing to totally the wrong page! Simple flavours start at 60 yen per scoop, right up to 210 yen per scoop for the two choices that have an alcoholic component.While there is no minimum requirement, six scoops is standard.Circle the corresponding numbers on the order form and pass it to the ice cream shop assistant. Contents. Eel is a summer delicacy in Japan, which probably explains why Futaba decided to use it to flavour an ice cream. Latest. Your typical ice cream in Japan is rather vanilla. Reply. It's prawnographic! According to Rocket News 24, the eel-flavored soda will be produced by Kimura Inryou, a beverage company based in Shizuoka Prefecture. If you and your kids are adventurous eaters, there’s something new and exciting for you to try here, and probably a few ice cream flavours you couldn’t stomach.Hot tip: There are a few traditional Japanese ice creams for the fussy eaters.Get ready to encounter weird Japanese ice cream flavors, and different types of ice cream flavors than the ones you are used to.You may just find fish flavored ice cream, but sadly, no squid ink ice cream or soy sauce ice cream yet.When you arrive at the Namja Town ice cream shop, ask at the counter for a Japanese ice cream flavors order form.