Stab is jeopardizing. I didn't have a reason to be sad, I just couldn't stop bawling. Also, the effexor withdrawal symptoms did have nausea, headache, vertigo... as well as other symptoms too for me, so it sounds like it could be effexor withdrawal for you too maybe. DEPRESSION & ANXIETY MEDICATIONS - LOOKING FOR ANSWERS Copyright © 2004-2020 The Depression Forums Incorporated - A Depression & Mental Health Social Community Support Group. All rights reserved. Pristiq is much better with way less side effects. A lot of people will need a combination of both medication and counselling, but in my case, talking things out really helped me. Dr said to take it in the morning and have been fine ever since. So yeah, I experienced a few overwhelming side effects.When I take a SSRI type med yeah this happens to me, I call it a Overwhelming Doom feeling. I took it once, just one capsule is all it takes. Read user comments about the side effects, benefits, and effectiveness of Effexor XR oral. As previously stated, different medications have different effects on individuals – trial and error sometimes can't be avoided.I'm on Effexor XR. Updated 17 Aug 2020. After a long time though I felt numb and wanted to get off of it. Thus, it was not me, it was Effexor. effexor. Zoloft and Avanza made me feel nauseous. And the anxiety......I tried this one. I was rude and snappy and (here's the weirdest bit) I couldn't eat tomatoes. The opinions expressed in WebMD User-generated content areas like communities, reviews, ratings, or blogs are solely those of the User, who may or may not have medical or scientific training. Login oder registrieren Tried Pristiq. WebMD understands that reading individual, real-life experiences can be a helpful resource but it is never a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment from a qualified health care provider. Also sometimes these medications can take well over 2weeks to settle in and work. When I'm in a depressive cycle Effexor has been the only anti dep that has kept me from running around screaming with a knife at my wrists, those can come with extreme paranoia and visual and auditory hallucinations as well so the importance of having the right drug for me is crucial and this one hits the spot. Effexor changed my life, until it didn’t. posted 2016-Feb-21, 8:58 pm AEST Effexor (velafaxine) & Pristiq (desvenlafaxine) are serotonin/noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitors (SNRIs) that share a common origin but have different effects, especially regarding withdrawal. It felt like everyone I knew was dead. Our support group for Effexor has 433 questions and 1,237 members. 11 About 3 months or so into it (only on the lowest dose – 37.5mg), I forgot to refill my prescription and missed a day taking my pill. Effexor, being an SNRI, works on two neurotransmitters: serotonin and norepinephrine. Reverent ciphers are the obtrusively unrestful doctrines. This can be risky if it continues for too long, but can subside like other side effects. Also, the effexor withdrawal symptoms did have nausea, headache, vertigo... as well as other symptoms too for me, so it sounds like it could be effexor withdrawal for you too maybe. I am currently on Effexor XR 150 mg. a day - and will probably end up at 300 mg. a day, as I suffered a depressive episode a few weeks ago while on it. Fincar/Proscar 19.05.2020, 23:55 Suche dringend Fincar/ Proscar , vielleicht hat jemand der es nicht mehr braucht, oder mir sagen kann wo man Online bestellen. Search by name or medical condition.Enter the shape, color, or imprint of your prescription or OTC drug. !Effexor can kill people, due to its harmful side effects. I wont list them on a public forum but your doctor should have gone over this.