It is also important not to start it unless the patient is reasonably fit – the most important indicator of prognosis is how well they are to begin with.My father was diagnosed with metastatic stomach cancer and by the time the diagnosis was made he had lost nearly 30Kg and was in a wheelchair. @PP: “every human alive can speak authoritatively about his/her own personal experiences…” WTF does that mean? Dr Nesselhut who is working with him and his immune system recommended frankincense from Africa rather than India as the soil is so contaminated with mercury so he has been taking that in tablet form.Wow Jackie that's really interesting about the soil, I didn't know that. We all are practicing or are we?This is where WISDOM comes in. Though from what you say it was probably not liver cancer, which isn’t normally treated with chemo, but cancer which had started somewhere else and spread to his liver.With regard to palliative chemo (i.e. Hi~ My best friend is newly diagnosed GBM stage 4. As God created plants for our health. Once extracted, they possess the essence (fragrance) of the plant from which it was extracted. I feel asThere is a post here of a person who says that the tumor shrank while using Boswellia serrata (7200mg per day! So turmeric, fruits, and vegetable has no harm. i am planning on mixing frankincense with DMSO for my son who has GBM. We put them in a smoothy or in vegiecaps. To start a new discussion in this community, We have used essential oils. The oil works thanks to the presence of the so-called monoterpenes which have the ability to kill cancer cells.Frankincense oil works in all stages of cancer and is cytotoxic, meaning it doesn’t destroy healthy cells.In the study, a patient with end-stage liver cancer was given only a few months left to live. After 2 weeks on Chemo, he was admitted to the hospital and they said he was with-in minuets of dying. What they have is common is that they are hydrophobic (i.e. I know they say that frankincense can travel through the blood brain barrier, but DMSO is a carrier oil proven to get passed the BBB, which will hopefully allow the frankincense to penetrate fully.You should also try Brain Power (this one is Young Living). What reality are you stuck in? Thankfully it is only a problem in one country,Do you have any evidence that the FDA/DEA are remotely interested in that nonsense about frequencies?The studies you are referring to are all pre-clinical studies in tumour models (mainly standardised cell lines growing in culture and in one case a cell line grafted onto mice specially bred to have no immune system). Hi fivespot, I just started getting into oils. All other are quacks or heretics which true definitions adhere better to allopaths than any others. Although essential oils also seem to have anti-MDR activity and induce death of resistant cells [14] their anti-MDR activity still needs to be better understood/explored. While there are many complementary therapies that can help, essential oils seem to have gained the significant attention for their aid in providing relief for cancer patients during treatment.Essential oils are natural oils (compounds) found in plants. Who is using this term to define whom?Vibration nonsense. Many of them behave quite differently in the body than they do in cell culture, and many of them prove to be too toxic. There has always been a war ever since the Allopathic system has been established and for us in US by Rockefellers. Not a claim, I beg to clarify, merely a musing… (I remember sitting in Hillary Putnam’s William James Seminar and hearing reference to “the cash value of an idea”… Or perhaps the trade would be other than monetary…Bottom line about all this controversy is. Even if you choose Chemo, you can still use the oils and thousand have found that they work for them. You probably did not invent the argument yourself, you’re not the thinker, but you made it your own by posting it As to your claims of misleading and misinformation – how about substantiating your fantastic assertions with some verifiable information and facts instead of diverting and obfuscating and quoting ancient scriptures?Wow Bjorn, I’d hardly call Unschuld’s commentary & analysis “ancient”. What do you use to get rid of them from your home?It costs taxpayers a lot of money when people refuse to wear seatbelts and get in a car accidents. It’s also quite clear, and quite verifiable. It contains this reference to Paul Unschuld:[…]the Su Wen was not written by a single hand, and it is such a valuable source because it reflects much of the dynamics of the development of Chinese medicine and health care in Chinese antiquity. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in August 2010 (grade II astrocytoma). I find it very frustrating that so many people are unable to distinguish between what is essentially an idea and what is a safe and effective treatment (this particularly applies to journalists).If we look at some of the plant-based (and fungus-based) cancer treatments that we do use in real life we have etoposide (from the May-apple), daunorubicin, mitomycin and bleomycin (from fungi), vincristine, vinblastine and vindesine (from the periwinkle), paclitaxel and docetaxel (from yew), irinotecan and camptothecin (from the Camptotheca tree). I know they say that frankincense can travel through the blood brain barrier, but DMSO is a carrier oil proven to get passed the BBB, which …