Which step? If you had measured the ABG immediately upon arrival, the bicarbonate would have been close to normal and the pH would have been much higher. Doxycycline Case B. The … With just looking at the pH, we don't know who the culprit is. The third step in the process is to figure out if we have compensation. However, the goal is always to get the body back into homeostasis as much as possible.On the other hand, if the Metabolic Acidosis is caused by kidney failure, then there may not be a way to completely correct that root cause! You can use these resources to follow along to her ABG videos.In this video, Cathy covers ABG interpretation practice problems 1-3. View All News > In which patient population is hypothyroidism most common? Chemistry panel: Na + 131; Cl-90; HCO 3 - 12; Glucose 135; Step 1: The pH is low (acidemia) Step 2: The PCO2 is low (respiratory alkalosis) and the bicarbonate is low (metabolic acidosis). Answer: C. Metabolic Acidosis, Fully Compensated . Interpretation. Ketones are acidic, so any condition that causes ketones to increase can also be a cause. HCO 3 – is low, which is in keeping with an acidosis, so the metabolic system is the cause of this patient’s acidosis. Which step? For example, when we have Metabolic Acidosis the body will compensate by decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide. Normal values for pH range from 7.35 - 7.45.The next value is the carbon dioxide level, and this will tell you if the problem is respiratory in origin, as COPut simply, when the numbers in an ABG result fall outside of these ranges, you can then determine what type of problem the patient is experiencing.If the ABG results reveal pH numbers are not within the normal range, the patient’s pH level is either acidotic or alkalotic.The lower the number, the more acidotic the patient is. The only difference is the timing! Baby Angela has metabolic acidosis due to decreased HCO3 and slightly acidic pH. I also have practice questions on my website that you can work through independently. Doxycycline In that sense, they are actually Instead, focus on managing the symptoms that carry a risk of life-threatening problems (like the hyperkalemia! She graduated with an Associates degree in Nursing from Mercyhurst College Northeast in 2007 and lives in Erie, Pennsylvania in the United States. Other values within normal range This is a bit of a zebra. Images (0) So I look at the pH, and I determine where are we? Overview of the Role of the Kidneys in Acid-Base Balance PaCO₂ should be between 35 and 45. Then we can read these values to really figure out whether we're dealing with respiratory or metabolic acidosis or respiratory or metabolic alkalosis. The treatment used will largely depend on what’s going on with the patient.These symptoms are a little trickier, because they are they body’s way of responding to the Metabolic Acidosis. Who's acting up? I’ve got you covered!Metabolic Acidosis is a condition where your body (usually the kidneys) either 1) can’t get rid of enough acid from the body, or 2) can’t retain enough bicarbonate (HCOAdditionally, if the body can’t get rid of enough acid from the body, then the available bicarbonate will start binding with the extra acid to neutralize them. Videos (1) Metabolic acidosis can occur as a result of either: Increased acid production or acid ingestion. View All Procedures > This patient has a severe mixed acidosis. So these are the three values that you're going to pay attention to, and you definitely need to know those normal ranges. And then the second step is figuring out who's to blame for that acidosis or alkalosis.