This is because diabetes can lead to eye damage, called retinopathy. This is because diabetes can lead to eye damage, called retinopathy. Simple, practical, free. All Rights Reserved. Eventually, it can cause blindness.The condition can develop in anyone who has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy, also known as diabetic eye disease, is a medical condition in which damage occurs to the retina due to diabetes mellitus.It is a leading cause of blindness in developed countries.. Diabetic retinopathy affects up to 80 percent of those who have had diabetes for 20 years or more. This reduces the amount of fluid and swelling in the retina. Erin Azuse, RN, has been a registered nurse for 18 years, working in neonatal intensive care and pediatrics. Compounding this global challenge of diagnosis and treating of DR among people with diabetes, further is the fact that there are estimated 175 million people with diabetes who are undiagnosed and therefore not aware of their health condition including getting their eye examinations to rule out the presence of its most complication such as DR.As per study done by Gilbert C, et al. Eye drops that patients could administer themselves would reduce both their discomfort and the financial burden which the current treatment places on the NHS.” Diabetic retinopathy is a complication of diabetes caused by high blood sugar levels. Diabetic eye screening This is done at your local retinal screening unit, and should be carried out once a year on anyone over the age of 12 who has diabetes. Diabetic retinopathy occurs when the blood vessels that supply your retina, the delicate tissue layer in the back of your eye that senses light, are damaged. © Copyright 2020 Healthgrades Operating Company, Inc. Patent US Nos. Over time it can weaken and damage the small blood vessels within the retina which can cause haemorrhages, leaky blood vessels and swelling on the retina. The drops may cause your close vision to blur until they wear off, several hours later.During the exam, your eye doctor will look for: 1. Diabetic retinopathy (die-uh-BET-ik ret-ih-NOP-uh-thee) is a diabetes complication that affects eyes. Macular degeneration vision loss? Shortly afterwards, your eye may feel irritated or have a gritty sensation. Dr.Basu Ayurvedic treatment is capable in the treatment of all kind of eye diseases and therefore treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy is also possible through it. Diabetic Retinopathy is the effect of diabetes on your eyes Diabetic retinopathy is the result of damage to the small blood vessels and neurons of the retina. Blood vessel damage is a common complication of diabetes. When The best macular degeneration foods include those high in antioxidants, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids. Eye screening is important for you regardless of the type of diabetes you have. Diabetic retinopathy, which is a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes, is detected during a comprehensive eye exam that includes: Visual acuity testing. Occasionally, a small red spot can appear on your eye where the injection was given. During the test, the eye doctor will apply drops in your eyes. Triamcinolone (Kenalog) is an injection that stays effective for 4 to 6 weeks. Injections to treat diabetic retinopathy are given into the vitreous of your eye, the gel-like substance between the lens and the retina of your eye. This is caused by a small blood vessel in your eye called a capillary and will clear up in about a week. Being familiar with how diabetic retinopathy develops is helpful when it comes to understanding its treatment. Diabetic retinopathy. Once the injection is complete, the speculum will be removed, and your eye will be cleaned. Dexamethasone (Ozurdex) implants work for 3 to 4 months, while fluocinolone acetonide (Iluvien) remains active for up to three years.