Becomes their "safe haven". Does that sound like a good idea? On the other hand, if she's not sedated she could whine and growl all day out of fear being in an unknown place.

Would you happen to have that information or provide a photo/link to the product?Given that it’s in powder form (also similar to paste form), you’ll likely have to dilute it as the smell tend to be a lot more overpowering to canines compared to the liquid form I recommend.Unfortunately, I’m not aware on the recommended/safe dosage for racing pigeons. Your hubby fit in the crate? Hope that helps!Is this dosed once a day or twice a day? I know this was not your example, but I’ve seen some people try to give a higher dosage with less days and want to emphasize: it is important that it is given consistently for the 3-day duration, rather than try to give a single larger 1-day dosage.

Unfortunately, I do not know much about pot-bellied pigs and how fenbendazole affects their species.

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Fenbendazole is absolutely from the system in 48 hours. If your dog has Giardia AND potential worms (or just in need of a routine deworming), then the prescription makes sense.Giardia is typically treated with fenbendazole OR metronidazole. I'm kind of nervous thinking it will be warm temps and unsure if it is safe for her to be sedated at high altitudes. speee1dy: looks interesting, might have to try one outWe lightly sedated ours. Any idea why the vet would have him take it so long? Doses up to 100 times the recommended dose of 20 mg per pound are tolerated without serious side effects. It is recommended that fenbendazole be offered once a day for numerous successive days.For dogs, 25 mg per pound (50 mg/kg) daily for 3 consecutive days is typically efficient.The duration of administration depends upon the condition being treated, response to the medication and the advancement of any unfavorable impacts. (Ed.). Sorry I am confused !That’s exactly what Dr. Lopate my repo vet recommends.Only causes a chance for cleft pallet to the unborn puppies if given during pregnancy’s gestational period of 25-31 daysI gave my little pot bellied pig Olliver the Safegaurd wormer..but i gave him too much.