These are next to steps 6, Treatment; 13, Mixing/blending; 14, Packaging/labelling/coding; and 15, Metal detector.Identified in a blue circle is single spice. Products composed wholly or partially of irradiated spices must be properly labelled.The manufacturer demonstrates that foods do not develop any safety hazards (biological, physical or chemical) as a result of process design.Written scientific evidence is necessary to demonstrate that each process adequately ensures the safety of the product. These are next to steps 6, Treatment; 13, Mixing/blending; 14, Packaging/labelling/coding; and 15, Metal detector.Identified in a blue circle is single spice. They are checked and cleaned regularly (at the beginning and end of production at a minimum). The manufacturer initiates corrective action by determining whether food safety is compromised and by taking the necessary actions. Archived - Food Safety Practices Guidance For Spice Manufacturers Chapter 1: Control of Operation This page has been archived. Dust can attract rodents and insects, manufacturers therefore clean up frequently, control dust by physical separation or dust collection equipment, Metal contamination may be controlled by various means and various locations in the process:All product passes through a functioning metal detector (Proper functioning is monitored by passing test wands (ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel) through the detector at an established frequency.Magnets are situated inline so that all product passes over them. This receives input from step 17, Shipping/distribution; and leads to step 1, Receiving.Potential for Biological (B), Chemical (C) and/or Physical (P) hazards is indicated in parentheses next to each process step.The manufacturer controls incoming spices, ingredients and fumigants so that foods are not exposed to safety hazards (biological, physical and chemical), and that they remain both safe and correctly labelled.Prevention of health hazards begins with control of incoming spices and other non-packaging inputs. Archived - Food Safety Practices Guidance For Spice Manufacturers This page has been archived. Specifications provide standards against which the manufacturer can assess the acceptability of the components necessary for the production of the finished product.See Section 7.2.2 for expected incoming material control records.When ingredients fail to meet specifications that impact food safety, the manufacturer investigates and identifies the root cause. The Conduct a hazard analysis from the receiving of raw materials to the use of the finished product by the consumer.Establish monitoring procedures to ensure that the critical limits are being met.Establish deviation procedures when monitoring at a Establish procedures for verification to confirm the company's conformance to and the effectiveness of the Establish documentation and records, including the The prescribed Maximum Level of Use for Ethylene Oxide in whole or ground spice is Manufacturers ensure documented treatment procedures are followed to ensure the treatment is effective.Spices can be treated with irradiation to reduce the microbial load. Objects captured by the magnets are examined to identify their source and follow-up is conducted as necessary.Sifting/screening operations are controlled to reduce or eliminate physical hazards. The manufacturer has a written training program for employees, and maintains appropriate records. Grinding can produce a considerable quantity of dust. Inadequate controls could result in the use of containers that may contaminate the product, or may permit physical, chemical or biological contamination of the product.See Section 7.2.2 for expected Incoming Material Control Records.Handling and use of packaging is controlled to prevent product contamination.Inadequate control of packaging materials may result in the use of damaged, defective or contaminated packaging, which may lead to contamination of the product.Factors significant to food safety are controlled during preparation and blending to minimize physical, chemical and biological hazards, and to ensure accuracy of composition.Inadequate control of factors associated with product preparation /blending could result in inadequate processing or the presence of undeclared allergens (The manufacturer has controls in place to prevent the presence of undeclared allergens. This page was archived due to the coming into force of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. It is essential to follow up any corrective action with monitoring and reassessment to ensure that the correction has been effective.See Section 7.2.5 for expected Deviations and Corrective Action Records.The manufacturer uses supplementary methods of evaluation to verify the conformance and effectiveness of controls affecting product safety.The purpose of verification is to assess the conformance and effectiveness of existing controls in preventing health hazards and to indicate areas where improvements are required.See Section 7.2.6 for expected Verification RecordsAll equipment and utensils are designed, constructed and installed to function as intended, to permit effective cleaning and sanitation and to prevent contamination of spices.Food contact surfaces are constructed of appropriate materials and are maintained in a manner to prevent contamination of spices.An effective maintenance and calibration program is in place to ensure that equipment performs consistently as intended and prevents contamination of spices.See Section 7.3.1 for expected Equipment/Instrumentation Maintenance and Calibration Records.Instrumentation is designed, constructed, installed, calibrated and maintained in order to ensure the equipment is capable of delivering the required process, thereby ensuring product safety.Improper design, installation, calibration or maintenance of instruments can lead to inadequate processing of the product, or to misuse of food additives.The following are some examples of instrumentation that may be required to control factors significant to the process:See Section 7.3.1 for expected Equipment/Instrumentation Maintenance and Calibration Records.Buildings and surrounding areas are designed, constructed and maintained in a manner which prevents conditions that may result in the contamination of spices.Building interiors and structures are designed, constructed and maintained to prevent conditions that may result in the contamination of spices.Lighting is adequate for the activity being conducted.