(November 2017) Gabapentin. Retrieved March 2019 from Retrieved March 2019 from It also has off-label uses (meaning it’s applied in ways that are not FDA-approved) such as found that gabapentin significantly reduced pain and other nerve symptoms in women undergoing chemo for ovarian cancer.Thirty-five percent of people on gabapentin had to stop taking it due to side effects, particularly dizziness and . Neurontin is a brand name drug that has the generic drug, gabapentin, as its active ingredient. has been used in the United States for more than 25 years. But there is no long-term registry being kept to track gabapentin-exposed babies. In mature human brains, astrocytes ordinarily produce very little thrombospondin, and adult neurons don’t form many new synapses, although some new synapses do continue to be formed throughout life — for example, in a part of the brain where new memories are laid down and at sites of injury to neurons, such as occurs after a stroke.But the new findings raise questions about gabapentin’s effect in situations where synapse formation is widespread and crucial, most notably in pregnancies. Retrieved March 2019 from Gabapentin has been shown in vitro to interfere with activity of the α2δ subunit of voltage-activated calcium channels, a receptor involved in neuronal synaptogenesis. “We have solved the longstanding mystery of how this blockbuster drug acts,” said It is commonly agreed that the precise placement and strength of each person’s trillions of synaptic connections closely maps with that person’s cognitive, emotional and behavioral makeup. Gabapentin has been used as a safer alternative to opioid medication.Gabapentin is sold as a liquid, tablet, or capsule, Though gabapentin is approved for certain conditions, some doctors also prescribe it to people who are undergoing treatment for cancer or women who are experiencing menopause. “This potential effect on fetal brains needs to be taken seriously. Doctors should know by now that Gabapentin, generic for Neurontin, can cause movement disorders, including twitching and jerking, eye movements, tremors ataxia, etc, since it’s in the Pfizer updated information for Physicians, dated November 7, 2016. A recent study out of Sweden, and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reported no link between mother’s receiving the H1N1 vaccine while pregnant and their babies…For those with Type-2 diabetes, bariatric surgery has been shown by certain studies to have therapeutic effects on metabolic function independent of just weight loss. Likewise, by blocking thrombosponin, gabapentin may reduce excess synapse formation in vulnerable areas of the human brain. Neurontin and Lyrica are a Death Sentence for New Brain Synapses. Talk to your doctor if you start to have these thoughts when taking gabapentin.If used for long periods, gabapentin can cause other side effects, such as weakness in the muscles, difficulty breathing, and even memory loss.Generally, memory loss caused by medications is considered reversible. Ahave taken the same step, including West Virginia, Tennessee, As with all medicines, gabapentin in its many forms can be helpful for some conditions. But if you are concerned about memory loss, it is a good idea to revisit everything you are taking, including supplements and over-the-counter medications that could be adding to this problem.If you notice your ability to retain information changes while you take gabapentin, talk to your doctor about alternatives or ways to prevent further decline. Bruce Goldman She said that a typical dose of gabapentin for pain is between 1,800 and 3,600 mg a day. Most of the abuse was from people who also took other substances, particularly opioids. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Medical News Today. What is interesting is that she worked through many medications to get to this point with this mixture to be a baseline that helps her, but the side effects of course can be difficult.