Baclofen is a muscle relaxant used to treat pain caused by disorders such as multiple sclerosis. It varies from person to person, but piling on the pork seems to be a common side effect of Gabapentin.Holy smokes! I take adderall for ADD, so this is just simply crazy, oftentimes manic me. types of named seizure disorders. I am in my 50s and weigh less than 20 pounds more than I did in high school in the Seventies. A year-and-a-half ago I said enough and switched to a ketogenic diet. The report further stated that pregabalin, analogous to gabapentin, can cause weight gain and peripheral edema in elderly persons. Gabapentin may also produce sexual dysfunction in some patients whose symptoms of which may include loss of libido, inability to reach orgasm, and erectile dysfunction. I'll have to try some melatonin and some other meds to take the place of this evil capsule! That may be due to the way gaba messed with my metabolism but at least part of it was due to decreased exercise because of the pain.Just wanted to reiterate what others have said. The only diseases that have been officially ruled out have been MS and Sjrogens. A beige colored armor-like think that people can. Using this product can reduce seizures, pain, or RLS. Stiff limbs Gabapentin is also an anti-seizure medication and treats nerve pain from shingles. (I see an Endo in Sept to address both these issues). lasts for a short period. Anxiety disorders are serious medical illnesses that affect approximately 19 million American adults. I still follow a ketogenic diet, I am healthier than I have been in decades, and I weigh 103 pounds less than I did when I started! But up until I started the gaba about 3 months ago I was a steady 170lbs. There are many causes of epilepsy. Gabapentin can cause side effects. Been taken off Nortriptyline for nerve pain and cramping (caused by Fibromyalgia) because of the drowsiness and told to try Gabapentin instead- is anyone aware if this causes weight gain? Antabuse is used to treat Alcohol Dependence. Anyway, I have so many questions and rants I want to eventually post but this particular post is about Gabapentin. Treatment, management, and prevention So my question to you fine folks is simply... What do you think? Bitching, complaining, whining, and otherwise venting about your condition is encouraged. disorders are classified under two types of major seizures (generalized and I can perform basic functions such as getting dressed, walking up and down stairs, sitting on a toilet, and sleeping through the night. Ugh. Most of the weight gain I assume is from the hypothyroidism (still not fully under control even with the 100mcgs a day of synthyroid) and the PCOS. But, if you’re really interested in learning more about the pharmacology of this drug, we’ll keep things simple. thing. Also during the second weight gain event i developed diabetes. Gabapentin and Xanax (alprazolam) are used to treat anxiety. GABApentin has a low toxicity relative to dose. The symptoms and signs are different depending I was using it to manage severe TMJ-related pain and endometriosis.I lost the weight with a low-cal diet and daily, fairly rigorous walking thanks to getting a dog!I have found that meds like this, and anti-depressants used for pain management tend to make my metabolism go crazy. Thanks for such quick responses! I've been on neurotin (2400-1500mg/day) 2x in my life for 3+ years these times were seperated by 5 years, both times I gained lots of weight and lost it all when I stopped the medicine. Neurotransmitters are drugs which the nerves use to communicate with one another.